i feel guilty


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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this week has just been the bottom of the jurney so far.
I CANT stop crying. im so sensetive and im not enjoying being pregnant.
I feel sooo guilty. Cuz i want my little boy more then anything but im so fed up with pain, heat and work.. also..
I miss home so much. Im to far away from my family.
Im 25 but i still want my mum when im like this.
I dont want to tell OH cuz i feel terrible and ungreatful and he got enough on his plate right now. instead i ignore him. which make me feel even worse.

its been good up to this week, only a few bad days.. .but now its been tears since monday.. even in town i burst in to tears today. :cry:
aw big big big hugs hun xxxxx is there any chance you could go visit your family for a few days x
Aw hugs x x I know how you feel regarding pain-this week has been a 'low' week for me too regarding pain and I feel guilty too x x I truly hope and pray you'll feel better soon honey and I'm sure you will x there are going to be times you'll feel like this and other times you're on top of the world it's a true rollercoaster x x
i know but the fact it makes me feel so guilty just makes it worse..
i cant go and see my family its to far away, my mum is coming to see me at the end of july and i cant wait right now.
Oh is trying his best but im not even answering his txts at the moment.
And the fact that i have to work 14hours tomorrow in this heat dont help.. IM SO MISERABLE!
Poor you - it is such an emotional time. You should speak to OH, he will want to look after you. Hope you feel better soon xxx
14 hours?! Is there any way you can negotiate your shifts so they are split more? big :hug:
Your work should be helping out more like splitting shifts etc x x you should definatly speak to your OH x I know it's hard because of his losing his mum but you both need each other right now x x I say sit down with him and talk x x
i said 3 weeks ago NO MORE 14hours shift. but there it was on the rota.. so i have put my foot down now no more. I struggle doing 7hours so god knows how tomorrow will end up :(
this is the last one tho.. but god im dredding it.
I know what you mean Hun, I've been having a low week too.

I really think you should talk to your OH though, I know he's going through a lot but trust me I bet he'd rather you talk to him than not talking to him. You'll feel loads better for it, my hubs always makes me feel better after a chat.

Really hope you feel a bit better soon Hun. Xx
Aww hun! Big hugs!!! Ive been having a low week too. Lots of pain, barely any sleep, too hot and everything seems to upset me, so I know how you feel.

Sit down with OH and talk. Im sure he'll just want to do whatever he can to help you.

Sometimes even just venting at him and explaining why you feel so low really does help.

Big big hugs and Im thinking of you! xxx
definitely talk to your OH, just sharing how you feel will make you feel a whole lot better :) :hug:
thanks girls today i feel really happy again, woke up this morning after a good night sleep with loads of energy! I did speak to OH a little bit and hes been around "making me happy" :D
Yay for OH making you happy :) Im glad you're feeling better sweetie! big hugs from me and my bump! xx
Hey hun,

Just thought I would see how you're feeling today! Hope that OH of yours has cheered you up! xxxx
yeah im back to normal again and loving being pregnant! :D it was horrible last week tho, felt so guilty for not wanting to be pregnant. (always wanted little Noa tho )
thanks for caring XX
Yay! Im glad you're feeling better hun! :dance::dance:

Its not nice feeling like that, I was there myself a couple of weeks ago! xx

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