At exactly 38 weeks and at home as planned.
Our beautiful Lottie Sofia was born yesterday morning at 11:40 after my waters broke at 1:30 am. I was fully dilated by 8am and pushing in the birthing pool in our dining room. Unfortunately, I had to leave the pool as my contractions got further apart, but Lottie was born with a lot of encouragement (and the threat of a couple of paramedics standing in my hallway, an ambulance transfer to hospital and a vontouse delivery) on our dining room floor after 3 and a half hours of pushing. My partner helped to deliver the baby and lifted her on to my tummy where she latched on to my breast immediately! I did the whole lot with 2 paracetamol and a few breaths on the gas and air at the end. I still can't believe it!
Sadly, the placenta was not so easy, so I was transfered to hospital and ended up losing a lot of blood (about 2 pints). It meant I had to stay in, so spent the first night with my baby away from my partner. I managed to get discharged today, after quite a lot of negotiation and the agreement that I will go back in for a blood transfusion, if I begin to feel more unwell.
So, she is here, all that time I had a baby girl growing inside me and I am completely in love with all 6lbs 1.5 ozs of her.
Our beautiful Lottie Sofia was born yesterday morning at 11:40 after my waters broke at 1:30 am. I was fully dilated by 8am and pushing in the birthing pool in our dining room. Unfortunately, I had to leave the pool as my contractions got further apart, but Lottie was born with a lot of encouragement (and the threat of a couple of paramedics standing in my hallway, an ambulance transfer to hospital and a vontouse delivery) on our dining room floor after 3 and a half hours of pushing. My partner helped to deliver the baby and lifted her on to my tummy where she latched on to my breast immediately! I did the whole lot with 2 paracetamol and a few breaths on the gas and air at the end. I still can't believe it!
Sadly, the placenta was not so easy, so I was transfered to hospital and ended up losing a lot of blood (about 2 pints). It meant I had to stay in, so spent the first night with my baby away from my partner. I managed to get discharged today, after quite a lot of negotiation and the agreement that I will go back in for a blood transfusion, if I begin to feel more unwell.
So, she is here, all that time I had a baby girl growing inside me and I am completely in love with all 6lbs 1.5 ozs of her.