I don't think I have queue jumped...but our baby has arrived!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2010
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At exactly 38 weeks and at home as planned.

Our beautiful Lottie Sofia was born yesterday morning at 11:40 after my waters broke at 1:30 am. I was fully dilated by 8am and pushing in the birthing pool in our dining room. Unfortunately, I had to leave the pool as my contractions got further apart, but Lottie was born with a lot of encouragement (and the threat of a couple of paramedics standing in my hallway, an ambulance transfer to hospital and a vontouse delivery) on our dining room floor after 3 and a half hours of pushing. My partner helped to deliver the baby and lifted her on to my tummy where she latched on to my breast immediately! I did the whole lot with 2 paracetamol and a few breaths on the gas and air at the end. I still can't believe it!

Sadly, the placenta was not so easy, so I was transfered to hospital and ended up losing a lot of blood (about 2 pints). It meant I had to stay in, so spent the first night with my baby away from my partner. :cry: I managed to get discharged today, after quite a lot of negotiation and the agreement that I will go back in for a blood transfusion, if I begin to feel more unwell.

So, she is here, all that time I had a baby girl growing inside me and I am completely in love with all 6lbs 1.5 ozs of her. :lol:
Oh Congratulations!! So glad you've had a healthy little girl :) Enjoy xx
Ooooh congratulations hun!! Think you were the first April mummy due so we won't tell you off for queue jumping, lol xxx
Wow congratulations!!! Sounds like you did brilliantly - very pretty name and can't wait to see pics xxx
congratulations, april mummies have started now wow how fast tm goes. Ihope you get to enjoy tonight at home.
aww lovely! sorry it didnt go totally to plan but she is here safe and sound!!
Congrats hunny wishing you all the best x x x
CONGRATS, you made it sound so easy although Im sure it wasnt :(
Lovely name you have picked.
Huge congratulations to you both on the safe arrival of your baby girl! Beautiful names too x

Sunnyb xxx

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