I dont if I can keep doing this, might give up trying

glad your feeling better ggg ! i fancy traning in something , just wish most courses werent so much money !
Please do not give up hun you will get there soon, im not a lot of help i know but just want to send you lots of love and hugs :hug: :hug:

Here if you need to chat :hug:
Thanks tracey, im feeling so much better about the whole thing now, Ive always suffered badly with PMT and the disapointment of not being pregnant just gets blown out of all proportion I guess, but then I settle back into sanity and realise theres no point getting so despondant about it all. Im just a damn drama queen lol!

It toook me 4 years to concieve so know how hard it is not been able to plan your life for years not knowing one way or another. I had actually started IUI when i concieved and was missing a month as they were waiting for a letter from another doc re another health issue and that month i concieved. The last year before i concieved i went to college and started training to be an interior designer. I passed my year and although I am deferring for a couple of years I really think it help not just having ttc as a focus and if i hadn't concieved then at least my life would of been moving forward anyway.

good luck.feel free to pm me if I can help


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