I did it I did it I did it!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
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i have sold my doll and am now offically a reborn artist yay ladies i have a career!!!! :yay:

now when people say so what do you do for a living i can no longer say nothing haha!! i can say oh im an artist hehehehe!!! and i did it all on my own back too!!! with two kids to run around after im so proud!!!! *smug moment* hahaha :rotfl:

This is the doll i made . .. i painted all the layers of skin (7 layers each individually heat set) threaded each hair individually (with a hand held needel and - stabbed myseld though my nail and into my finger three times :shock:) glued a magnet inside its mouth for magnetic dummies for extra deatail so lots of tender loving care and sold

:yay: That's fantastic news! Congratulations! Are you doing any more at the moment? :D
im going to do one in feb i got to get a few bits for it now and then then as they are not cheap to make soooo i shall be doing one in fed im doing an open eyed brown haired girl next hehe!! might get a premie sized one :cloud9:

that one i make weighed just over 7lbs :)
awwww its so cute lol i want one lol oooo wait dont think oh would appreiate it lol i already have a load of china dolls and a real baby lol

i read a story about alass who collects these and she treats them like real babies lol
:yay: Well done Evie! Beautiful doll, can't wait to see the next one xx
well done Evie. :yay: Those dolls freak me out but you've done a brilliant job and I hope you can make a little business that you enjoy! :D
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Ahhh thats so fantastic!! Well done, good luck with the next doll. x
thanks ladies i take so much pride in it hard to see him go :cloud9: - im so sad lol but felt like a real baby in my arms ahhhh well onto the next one :good:
yes a new career :D
i was a hairdresser before but i had a NVQ in art anyway so i dissided to do what made me happy :)
Thats so amazing! You really do have a talent. And patience too. I certainly couldn't do that! Well done.
thanks hun i have more pics on an okld post in arts are crafts he is called bradley alan loads of pics on there worth a look got his hair pic on there too :)
wow that doll looks so realistic! no wonder it sold! a real talant :) you have inspried me to be more creative!! xx
thankyou hun nothing better than being creative :) very relaxing and happy times :)

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