I caused my own miscarriage


Feb 26, 2014
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About two years ago, my IUD rejected (I'd had it in long after it was due to be changed for financial difficulties). I was sexually active, and we were toying with the idea of taking this as a sign that maybe it was time to start on trying, but evenually decided that I needed to have a new IUD put in and wait til I finished my second degree before trying. The doctor did the pregnancy test before placing, but it must have been too soon. The IUD was placed, and I was heartbroken after coming so close to being able to have one but I was coping with it telling myself that in two years I'd finish my degree and I'd get my chance.

About a week after the placement, I was having a rough time. The last time, there was minimal pain and I stopped bleeding within a couple of days. This time it was different. Then it happened. Something ... came out. I was scared but I didn't want to believe what I was seeing. I took it in to my doc in a sample cup I'd swiped from work (I know that's shady, but I was a little at my wits end and it was just stock supply, not exactly expensive equipment). It was confirmed that I had in fact been pregnant and lost the baby because I had the IUD put in.

I just ... I had some mood/behavior issues but eventually thought I was getting over it. I still feel a pain so heavy it feels physical when I see things like baby supplies or baby announcements but I thought it was just because I wanted one so bad. Now I've finally started thinking about it again, and the problem is ... I feel like I killed my baby. It's the truth, it's exactly what happened even though I didn't know at the time it's just ... I can't get over it - the guilt, the shame. Now that we've just decided it's time to try to have one I have been an emotional roller coaster that's been exhausting not just to me but my loved ones.

I just needed to get it out.
You cant blame yourself, the dr did a pregnancy test and gave you the ok, you trust them to know. Im really sorry for your loss xx
Thank you ... I never told my extended family or friends, I just told my significant other and his mom who I'm really close to. I didn't think I could take seeing the "I'm so sorry" looks all the time and having to tell the story over and over again ... I think I'm getting over it ... I don't cry every time I pass the baby section at walmart anymore, I and focusing on feeling hopeful about my baby-to-come.
Its really tough, and im surprised the dr did so, mine said to fit the coil it is best done the second day of a period and she would only fit it out of then if I where 100% sure there was no chance of pregnancy (i.e no sex since last period) Im in England though.

So it 100% isn't you the dr should have aske if there where a chance anyway. At least you have others to talk to, hugs xxx
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The reason they place it at that time is because that's supposed to be when the cervix is most relaxed - it make it a little less painful. She had told up to stop having sex (we had already decided on that one) and made a second appointment to test, so I thought she knew what she was doing to be 100% certain there was no chance there was a baby in there. Now that I am a nurse I know a little more about it and I just wish I had done more research. I feel like I should have known somehow ... there was a person in me, a little tiny person depending on me for life and I can't stop thinking that I let it down big time.
You did what most of us would and trust a dr and a pregnancy test, its really not your fault x
Thank you ... I think it helps hearing it from someone else. It's pretty much just been locked in my own head for 2 years. I appreciate the support. I wish I had thought then to come to a forum like this, but at the time I didn't want to hear a hint of anything pregnancy related.
im so sorry for your loss! that must have been devistating for you. i would have done the same thing, trusting in doctors is what we are tought to do, dont be too hard on yourself. xxxx
Im sorry for your loss! Dont blame yourself its just a horrible situation! Xxx
Really sorry to hear what your going through. I just wanted to echo what everyone else said, that we trust doctors literally with our lives so everyone would've done the same. It wasn't your fault. Xx
Big hugs. Please don't blame yourself. I can only say what the others have said in that you trusted the doctor like you should. This was not your fault.xx
Thank you, I appreciate the support. You guys are awesome!

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