Well what a roller coaster ive been on these past 10 days.....
Well i went for my 3rd scan wednesday the 21st may 2008 and sadly they comfired my worst fears my poor baby hadnt grown this week and still no heart beat......and they booked me in for a d&c today saturday 24th may 2008.
I went to the doctors and he signed me off for a another week on thursday just gone till this coming thursday. i sat in the chair and he said what can i do for you i just held my head in my hands and burst out crying i couldnt say i had a missed miscarriage. but in the end i got it out he was very supportive asked if there was anything i needed to make me comfortable as he could but i wasnt in pain.
Well today i cant put into words on how i felt, but im glad its over with and i can look to my future.....i had the best nurses in world fussing over me... giving me support which made it as easy as it could of been to deal with and recover from. I just had a few probs with the general must of given me too much....then my blood pressure was low then my oxygen levels where down but i knew i was in safe hands........
But to everyone who is going through this right now and you decide to have a d&c for what ever reason...... yes there are risks BUT there are with everything which could result in a d&c anyway so i wish you the best of luck and i send all my hugs and kisses out to you.....
love Anuska x x x x
miscarried 21st may 2008
Well i went for my 3rd scan wednesday the 21st may 2008 and sadly they comfired my worst fears my poor baby hadnt grown this week and still no heart beat......and they booked me in for a d&c today saturday 24th may 2008.
I went to the doctors and he signed me off for a another week on thursday just gone till this coming thursday. i sat in the chair and he said what can i do for you i just held my head in my hands and burst out crying i couldnt say i had a missed miscarriage. but in the end i got it out he was very supportive asked if there was anything i needed to make me comfortable as he could but i wasnt in pain.
Well today i cant put into words on how i felt, but im glad its over with and i can look to my future.....i had the best nurses in world fussing over me... giving me support which made it as easy as it could of been to deal with and recover from. I just had a few probs with the general must of given me too much....then my blood pressure was low then my oxygen levels where down but i knew i was in safe hands........
But to everyone who is going through this right now and you decide to have a d&c for what ever reason...... yes there are risks BUT there are with everything which could result in a d&c anyway so i wish you the best of luck and i send all my hugs and kisses out to you.....
love Anuska x x x x
miscarried 21st may 2008