I can't stop weeing!!!! :0


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Something doesn't feel right, I don't know if it's just the baby really pressing down or what but I just seem to be leaking all the time it's awful, as far as I'm aware it's def wee and not my waters!!! It's getting really uncomfortable and I feel a right minger!! Has anyone else had this??:(

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yeah i had it the other week unfortunately it doesnt get any better i just had to put up with it although mine has settled a little now x
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yeahhh i get it too! Especially in the middle of the night, when im bursting and as im walking/CRAWLING to the toilet.. a little pops out! Eugh cant wait for a normal bladder!!! xx
I hope it does go back to normal :( it's literaly every 10 mins I need to go I hope it is wee and I'm not leaking fluid ?? Lol xx

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hummm - i think with leakin fluid, when you leaked you wouldnt feel like you need to wee, it would just come out, if that makes sense!? haha.
but my little man kicks my bladder aaaall the time - which makes a little bit come out randomly!!, maybe thats whats happenin to u aswell.

Thanks Hun think ur right, I def wouldnt feel like a needed to wee!!! Bloody hell what a topic hey! :) x

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Hun, if you look at some of my previous posts you'll see you're not suffering alone!

If you feel like you need to wee nearly all the time then you might have a bladder infection - does it sting when you pee?

I've had a series of waterwork infections that have meant that I've had to drink plenty of water........which has played havoc with my bladder. My OH calls me "the rat" because I dribble continually. (He's only joking - he loves me really!)

If you struggle with bladder control at night then, all joking apart, I would recommend Tena pants. Yes, it's embarrasing and unsexy but they've been a godsend for me this pregnancy.


I am still able to control it but I need the loo ALL THE TIME as in every time I stand up. I don't know how I'm going to cope back at work this week!
Yep with waters there's no sensation like you need to wee, so its probably the baby on your bladder :)
Oh hun, not pleasant at all.. Hope baby shifts soon and you get a bit of relief x
Thanks Hun it still won't stop though!!!! There's no burning when I go so it's not an infection just plain bloody annoying :( x

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Our babies comfiest positions are usually our most uncomfy! :lol: xx
Haha yeah, they set up camp right on our bladders! I need a wee as soon as i move! Especially if i get a braxton hicks, then i have to run to the toilet!

I go in a mood with my bladder though, when its 2am, just got comfy - AND U NEED A WEE! i lie there goin ''NO no i will not go for ANOTHER wee! I refuse, NO!'' haha


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