i can't stop drinking


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2007
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lol not alcohol...

i'm ALWAYS thirsty these days. I'm worried that at my next appointment the midwife will tell me i've got too much fluid in me. is anyone else drinking loads?
yeah i used to hate drinking water but the last few weeks i can't get enough of it.
ive put loads of bottles in the freezer cos it has to be freezing cold, and i take 2 to bed with me... and they're not the normal size bottles, they're the big sports size ones lol
midna said:
You worrier you ...lol ...its very normal and good to be drinking plenty at this stage your baby is requiring more..has your appetite increased yet also?? ...mine is crazy lol. :D

yes but your appetite aint for food :lol:
I'm the opposite! I can't stand the stuff...I have to have cordial with it otherwise I just can't drink it... it's way too boring for me! :D
no my appetite has remained the same!

But one other thing though: I tend to drink tap water mainly. i hope it's not too bad. i've never had any problems with tap water but during pregnancy do you think it's better to drink real mineral water?
midna said:
I know lol my sex drive has gone mental last couple weeks I was quite nympho before but jeez I cant get enough. :lol:

That's because subconciously you're trying to poke the baby into action!
*sighs at mids comment..

Tap waters fine... dunno what all this fuss is over mineral water vs tap water tbh.... The only reason I prefer to drink mineral water over tap water is that tap water is desalinated and heavily treated over here.. and well just tastes VILE :puke: :puke: I also have a water filter and will drink water from that although it doesn't quite get rid of the taste from the treatment of the tap water so I will make up big 2l bottles of squash with the filtered water to drink, and its done me nor my LO any harm... drank tap water all through my pregnancy with Tia and was fine.. .

My dad doesn't care about the taste and has drunk the tap water here for nearly 10 years, and he's not dead yet.. so its fine.
pilkers said:
I'm the opposite! I can't stand the stuff...I have to have cordial with it otherwise I just can't drink it... it's way too boring for me! :D

Me too :puke: hate the stuff.
I did at your stage and my mw told me it was my body iving me signs to build up my resources, plus your in your last stage of pregnancy - you will have to drink more to stop becoming dehydrated.
Im constantly thirsty. Wake up every night loads needing a drink - feels like I have had a heavy night on the booze and I wake up with a mouth like a nuns crotch.

(Very dry)


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