I cant stop crying...


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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I was so enjoing my pregnancy but my pelvis/back pain is making me misserable! I have a slipped bone in my pelvis and mw has said possibly SPD but ive got physio on tuesday. Work just dont seem to care, i am a tough cookie normally and i try not to moan but my bones at bottom of my back feel like they are grinding together. Pain is worse in the evening, i just got up to go to the toilet and the pain is awful. It feels like my legs and back are not communicating and my legs feel like there giving way. I do pregnancy yoga but every move hurt today, my work involves sitting on the floor with children parents alot and im just scared when i get down i wont get up. I've asked to take leave next week but my manager says its not appropriate at the minute but im trying to put on a brave face at work so then in more pain later and dont sleep!!! Im really sorry for the long post but im home all alone and just sat here crying x
Hugs! Go see your doctor and get yourself signed off sick! You shouldn't have to be working / getting down on the floor like that when you are in so much pain. It's not good for you or baby! Put your health first before your boss's wishes.

Hugs again! X
I really hope physio works, My mum thinks i should get sick note too i just didnt want to leave work short but im gettin worse and after how crap they were this week i now dont care! im gonna try have nice relaxing weekend and look after my baby...Thank you
I was in a similar situation earlier on my my pregnancy when I was so sick with vomiting and severe diarrhoea. I struggled into work out of a sense of duty but it was just wearing me out and I would be in tears everyday just completely unable to cope at all. Everyone told me that I Just had to think of my own health first and never mind that we were so short staffed at the office. I took a months sick and it did me a world of good so much so that I was eventually able to get back to work properly.

Hope it will work out for you and you get the rest you need!
Yup sounds bad, I would see what the doc said, and see if he will sign you off, sitting on floor not good with pain like that, it can't be helped. I reackon the physio may be really helpful, they just know whats wrong or can feel the cause of things don't they - hope you get some answers and some methods of relieveing the pain from her/him
hey honey that sounds blooming dreadful.
really hope you get it sorted, would definately get yourself to docs asap if i were you, and maybe SPD is in question? i get painful sciatica but to be honest ive had it for about 5 years so dont think its pregnancy related, but yours sounds like a whole new level of pain! sometimes these things are better if you keep moving, not sure if that will help, but if you sit for too long it can just make you feel seized up, so try and gently move, and defo see a physio or something. hope youre ok, youre not alone in any of this! pregnancy is really quite difficult! x
I left work with sicknotes at 18 weeks with my SPD, it has been a real struggle with money and sanity but I worked in a cafe and I was more or less useless so I had no choice. It has made my pregnancy so much calmer though and I have been able to rest up plenty, much to OHs annoyance.... I don't tend to notice my SPD much any more apart from at night, unless I try to do something during the day like hang the washing out or go to the supermarket.... then I am in agony and I realise that it's still there.... :(



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