I can't put it off no longer :(

awww hun im so sorry!! she may be in allot of pain and i cant imagine she is very happy just think you will be calming her pain hun x x x x x
Terrible, i had very little sleep and i can't stop thinking about her. Jacob dropped some rusk on the floor and i shouted of her to come and eat it without realising she was gone, i burst into tears. I'm going out of town to visit my friend today, i can't bear to be in the house right now. Thank you for asking after me chick xx
im sorry youve had to do this huni....

what kinda dog was she?? any pics?

she will be happy in doggy heaven xx
I'm sure it will take time Toonlass :( Understand it doesn't make it any easier though :hug: x
Thanks girls, she was a staffy, i have loads of pics of her, i'll try and upload one xx
I am really sorry! I am an absolute animal lover and I can’t imagine what you are going through. But at least she will be out of pain and suffering!

Please let us know how you are doing

Take care xx
Just seen this thread.
And I wanted to send you and my OH's condolences.
It was a difficult decision you made and in time you will realise it was the best one.
She is no longer in pain and will be at peace.
You gave her a good life and happy memories.

Hope in time things will be easier.
Huge :hug: and hope you know that you and your family are in my thoughts x
Thanks everyone :hug:

Everytime i walk into the house i still expect her to greet me. And when i have my toast and pizza's i keep going to shout of her to give my crusts. I suppose it is going to take time to used to life without her :( xx
:hug: Did I tell you before I use to keep staffies? Gorgeous, gorgeous dogs :(

I had 13 at one point :lol:

I hope you're ok hun, that sicky feeling will go I promise :hug:

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