I can't cope with this anymore. I need my baby


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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Hi all,

just feeling really down today. I've tried to stay upbeat all week in the hope that something will happen but nothing.

I didn't even get the usual pains in the nigth last night. It just feels like I'll never have this baby.

It's highly likely I'm heading for induction, but every day without him makes me worry more. He's getting so big and I know he hardly has any room bt why won't he come out?

He moves a lot, and it's like there's this tiny layer of tissue between me and him, he's so close but so far.

I've got another midwife apointment tomorrow morning and I really thought I'd not get to this one becasue I'd have given birth by now.

I'm scared that if I do go she'll examine me and tell me nothing has changed since last week. Not sure how I'd cope with that news.

I know no-one can help me but I guess it feels a bit bettter writing it all down.

Hey hunni,
cor i feel the same, im 3 days over due(a alittle less than you)
and everyday it just makes me feel more low that my little one hasnt made an appeareance or even started to - and people keep asking "have you felt anything yet"
and again same situation
i have no more room left for this baby at all, and it hurts when he moves, hes always under my ribs with his feet and its just making me feel shit basically.

i have a appointment tomorrow aswell, im getting a sweep so hopefully that will help.

have you had one?
cant you ask for one or do you not want one?

i feel the same i just constantly think i am going to have to be induced,
but all i keep doing is thinking that my little one WILL be here soon, and its all going to be worth the wait -
have you tried to keep your mind occupied and stuff. like repacking your bags or whatever?
its so hard knowing what to do cos the days drag dont they :(
i Really do hope that your little one makes an appearance for you soon hunni
****Labour Dust****
keep your head up :) :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks guys,

it's nice to know there are people rooting for me.

Robyn - Yeah, I had one sweep last friday but she said my cervix was very posterior and not effaced (basically the opposite of what it should be if I'm going into labour). She prodded around and tried to pull it forwards but it didn't do anything. It didn't hurt and was actually ok but that's porbably because she couldn't do it properly.
I'll definitley be asking for another one tomorrow, I'm just scared she'll say my cervix hasn't changed and that will mean I havent' progressed at all.

Gem and Midna - thanks for your encouragement. It means a lot. At least I've stopped crying now!

It's so weird at the moment. Intelectually I know there's a baby inside me. I've seen the scans and I feel him moving, but I cant' actually make the connection between that and there actually being a little baby inside me. It's like there's this huge barrier mentally which is preventing me from bonding with my baby. I need to give birth to see him and see that he's my baby and make that connection that is missing at the moment. Don't know if that makes any sense?

Aww hun :hug: , i felt the same as you just posted about last week i never thought i would have my baby and it being a surprise really was getting us both down as we wanted to meet him or her so bad and finally know what we had, i got to the second sweep and she said nothing had really changed and she could not reach it, that was friday , and got my induction date and went into labour on the saturday so that sweep dod work even though she was very negative about it and i thought she did it wrong and crap!!

I bet your holding your LO by the end of the week please dont be down, i know it's hard i was the same and posted a real down post, but now look i have a gorgeous baby girl :cheer: i was 10 days over due

:hug: I wil be looking out for your good news x
that feeling - wondering if there's "really" a baby inside - is perfectly natural. I remember when my firstborn slid out on the end of the bed after a 42 hour labour and I looked at him in complete shock as if to say, "What's THAT? How did he get here?" I have the photos of my face at the birth to prove how amazed I looked!

And that's as it should be: every baby is a complete miracle.

I hope that you get to meet your own little miracle very soon and that he stuns you with his appearance! :D

aww hun i know how you feel and it will happen soon enough. I know it is so frustrating.

Whatever happens though it will all be worth it. I could never imagine baby being here and ended up going through hell ( i am not saying you will of course) but its all so worth it

not long now, keep your chin up :hug: :hug:
OMG I know how you feel - so fed up too. Waiting for my OH to go to work so I can have a good sob!! The only thing we can do is think that it will all be over soon - athough I know that doesnt make any of us feel any better right now!
Awww lady, I hope your LO comes soon, it must not be a nice feeling just sitting and waiting!

I'm nearly 34 weeks and I just want him out now, I can't imagine what I will be like if he comes late (mind you it would suit me better as we would be moving into our new apartment around the time he is due lol).

I'll cross my fingers and try my legs for you xxxx
Aw KJ, I keep looking out for your announcement and cant imagine how frustrated you must be feeling right now :( I know what you mean about needing to see LO to make that connection. When Maddison first came out I just stared in complete amazement that my baby was there infront of me as if it was unexpected or something :wink:
Keeping my fingers crossed for you :hug:
Sorry to hear you feeling so down KJ.... try to keep your spirits up, you will be in labour very soon and have your baby next to you before you know it! Just try to rest lots and keep your strength up for now, you will need it.
Dont worry, not long to go! x
i can't imagine how it feels to be overdue. all i can say is hang in there, he will soon be here. :hug: :hug:
thanks for all your messages ladies.

Have had my shower and done my hair and make-up now so can't cry any more otherwise I'll mess it all up!

Just praying hard that he'll come before I have to be induced.

The thought of actually being in labour is so amazing I can't take it in! I'm not aprehensive at all, I just want the chance to give it my best shot.

Come on little man, I know we can do this together!

I can only imagine how frustrated you must be. We all know that due dates are slippery things, but that can't make the waiting any easier. As the other girls have said, at the very least you know it will be soon.

I'm only 33 weeks, a long way from overdue, but I've been on red alert for the last 4 weeks, being seen every 2-5 days and each time I don't know if my baby will be born today. I'm sick to the back teeth of not knowing whether to plan to do things, start certain jobs around the house, whether I will be able to go shopping tomorrow, etc. I really feel for you being stuck overdue like this - you must be desperate to get on with being a mum rather than pregnant.

Best of luck for tomorrow! :hug:
i feel the same. :cry: ive given up expecting her to come now and insted just planned a job to do every day until i am induced on tues! only got 5 days to go tho!!!

Really feel for all u guys who are over-due. Must be very frustrating - I'm dreading my due date coming and going - I know I'll be climbing the walls (so to speak!) every day, just waiting and waiting.

Hoping all the OD babies arrive very soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
KJ I got really emotional just before I went into labour with my daughter - I thought the world was ending and just kept bursting into tears - so perhaps you are nearer than you think!! :pray: :pray: :pray:
No hang in there little guy!

Get the extra sleep while you can!!!!!
oi! Mrs Tommo! don't say that! You don't want to wish this wait on anyone! :wink:

Hi Kim, sounds like a good plan to keep busy. I really hope things start soon for you. :hug:

Thanks oldermum and everyone else for the kinds thoughts. I've had a really good cry on DH when he came back from work and he reminded me that I've got to stay strong and upbeat for the baby and for me. So I'm not going to be silly any more.

I'll let you know what the midwife says tomorrow morning. My cervix better be doing some serious effacing and hopefully some dilating aswell or I won't be pleased!

hav some labour dust
hope it works :hug:
KJ, I was a week and 3 days overdue, and had my induction date booked. But she decided to arrive in her own time and I went into labour naturally before being induced. I found the most depressing thing was all the people who kept ringing and texting to see if I had had her. What do they think; that I would have a baby and forget to tell them? (This was people like my mum ringing to see if I had had her.) I found it helped after a little while to ask them not to ring specifically to ask if I had given birth. If it wasn't a close friend or family member (we have caller ID) I didn't pick up the phone. I also found chocolate helped :LOL:

Don't worry too much. One thing is for certain - in the next few days that baby IS coming out. I know from recent experience how hard it is being very overdue, but you will not mind one little bit that you were overdue once your baby is born. For now try and keep your chin up.

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