I Can't believe this!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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Hiya girls hope your all doing well and babies are behaving them selfs

i couldn't not believe this when my mum told me

my mums friends daughter went out last sat and got bladdered her friends said they were really concerned about her as she looked as if she was putting on weight she is REALLY REALLY slim and her tummy looked bloated so the monday she went to the doctors who sent her to the hospital and she found out she was 37 WEEKS pregnant, she didn't even know, on sunday she gave birth to her baby girl she had just a week to get used to the idea of being pregnant.

how could she not know she was still in her size 8 jeans had really put any weight on didn't feel baby move at all and still had her monthly cycle.

i just can't believe it

bobs xxxxx
wow - it still amazes me but i know a few people who this has happened to - and havent realised they are pregnant until they have gone into labour!!

a friend of mine had her daughter last year and although she knew she was pregnant she didnt put on ANY weight and still wore her size 8 jeans up until giving birth.

congrats to your friend :D

How cant you know at full term :shock: :shock: ?!! LO's kick the crap out of you!!

Do you know if baby was small or normal size? She must have been really little for her folks etc not to notice......

I get it when people don't know they are preggo until maybe 4/5 months but full term!!! Wow what a shock for the poor girl!!
Think baby was 8lb 2 so little bigger than normal size, normals about 7.7 ish,

i can't believe she didn't feel baby move though like you say cleo babs beatin me up in side as well

:shock: I was swelling out of my jeans at 9 weeks and have had my insides kicked to bits since about 14/15 weeks. Oh and the sickness & heartburn woulda been a giveaway. I guess it is to do with how baby is lying inside.
:shock: Blimey!! That would be crazy to find out that late on! Congratulations to your friend though!! x
OMG!! That's crazy!! :shock: Poor girl must be in shock still!

When I was in year 10 (about 15 yrs old) a girl was pregnant but her and her Mum didn't tell anyone until she was 34 weeks and had to leave school - The school didn't even know! No-one did! We were all sooooo shocked when it was announced in assembly that she'd had a healthy boy at 37 weeks!! Crazy stuff...

:shock: Thats mad! Awww well congratulations to her anyways must be such a shock.
i get not knowing because of no symptoms, no loss of period and even flat tummy (with DS mine was practically non existent) BUT NOT FEELING THE MOVEMENTS.... NEY.... ABUSE INTERNALLY
:shakehead: :think: :shakehead: :think: :shakehead:
I never believe these stories but I guess it does happen :shock: Perhaps she thought the kicks were just some weird stomach pain?!

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