I can't believe this girl is a mother

Hmmmm £175? sounds like she could earn that in a couple of hours lol
It doesn't seem like parks are suitable places to take children to play these days, every park I pass is just full of chavs getting drunk and behaving inappropriately :/
It's a shame really that parks which are designed for childrens play are no longer safe places to take them! x
I don't even have the words to respond to this.
She'll be on Jeremy Kyle next month. One night stand in a park and you've left me pregnant!
Yep. The poor kid.
will probably be named swingy or something too.
Wonder where her own kids were when this was going on... Poor kids.
Grim!! It really does make u wonder about people sometimes!! I would be so grossed out if I saw that!
Lovely!!!! And we all have to fight to have our kids!
I'm absolutely disgusted. No other way to put it... Sket comes to mind!
and she calls herself a mother......pfft seems like she needs to grow up a bit if you ask me xx
Minging! Pisses me off that some people literally just open their legs and get pregnant, when they aren't fit to be parents.xx
She was 22?! he was even older?! What the heck they playing at?!

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