I am suddenly petrified of labour! :-S

Im sorry for scaring you hun :hug:

All i will say is as a human our bodies are designed for child birth you will be amazed what you are capable off and what you can cope with. Let your body guide you.

Everyone has different ways of coping with the pain i found sitting down during the contraction (pressure on pressure) worked really well for me and also breath properly and when you breath out stick your bump out.
I just wanted to second what Bloom has said, you will surprised at what you can cope with :hug:

Thing about labour is that you have no control over it - you can control how you react to it but now that baby is in there it has to come out somehow :doh: in a way I found this easier than a lot of things - there are times in all our lives when you just think "I can't go on" but when you are in labour you have no choice so it becomes just get through the next contraction and then the next and before you know it it is over! Labour is scary but it is nothing to be scared about, you will have people with you who will help and look after you and you ARE strong enough whatever you might think now :hug:
Like others, I felt that staying calm helped a lot.
I was in labour for 21.5 hours...and got tired...But just kept saying to myself 'This wasn't in my birth plan!'

My nan still nearly wets herself thinking about it. I thought I was a wuss with pain, but mom and nan have always been very proud of how well i coped. Tyler was back to back with me....So, the pain was pretty bad....But it is not like the pain as if you hurt yourself. There is a sense of achievement in each contraction you get through.

You will be fine :hug: :hug: :hug:
Bless, as everyone is saying you'll be able to do it. Remember that contractions come and go, and that you will have breaks in between (when at times you may think that the previous contraction wasn't too bad after all, until the next one kicks in!!!). Have you been practicing breathing techniques during your BHs? I found this extremely useful.

You will possibly go to your own zone and find your own way of working through pain. Trust your body and follow it's lead.

Many people have horrifying birth stories to tell - I would personally avoid reading many negative stories, try to focus on positive ones. I read natural birth stories from the internet.

When it becomes to embarrassing yourself, that will be the least of your worries (if you are worried about it, you possibly aren't in the advanced stages of labour yet). When I was taken to my room in the birthing centre I literally stripped down all my clothes while begging them to let me get into the pool :rotfl:

I was also told afterwards how people had been staring at me when I arrived at the birth centre in hospital as it was obvious that I was in labour (apparently two elderly ladies had smiled and wished me luck - a shame that I didn't hear them to say thank you!).

Remember birthing is one of the most wonderful experiences we are privileged to experience. Nothing beats seeing your baby for the first time!
im getting a bit scared now as its getting closer and closer
im sure you will be fine and cope wonderfully
:hug: :hug: :hug:

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