I am strongly leaning towards homebirthing..


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2012
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After being certain the new birthcentre in our area which replaced the maternity ward in the hospital to opt in to go there for giving birth, I was put off by my partner's hysterical comment I must stay overnight after birth.. Now there is no chance in this world that I want to stay overnight in a hospital, small chance much of my family will be there to be able to support me because having to go on a plane isnt cheap and might take a while for mum and dad to get themselves and accomodate themselves over here round birth period my partner had the most ridiculous thought he wouldnt be of much use during my stay when im asleep.. I was so furious about this I seriously started to consider to opt for homebirth, as in my best case senerio I dont have to leave my house at any time and have my personal space to move about and feel comfertable in..
I myself was born at home with no complications, my sister was born after that at home with a hospital transfer after birth due to a tiny rip in the cervix. Which meant my younger sister had no choice but to be born in hospital.. And my mum said, if she was born at home labour would've progressed more quickly because she did not fancy them hospital walls in the slightest! My dear hubby however was in distresss during labou himself, hospital born with some help of getting him out and he is convinced it is all more safer to be in hospital.. With all do respect, I have heard far more many cases of painful tearing up to the rectum, cutting in your lady bits and using tools to forecefully get thr baby out.. Which kind of sounds to be a side effect of the hospital being a stressfull place.. I had six teeth removed under complete aneastetic back in nov 2011 and i was left on a ward with more people I screamed the ward down also because I did not want to be there.. In such a bright lit awful place.. The nurses come to tell me to calm down and not to cry because it would make the pain worse, so I did the opposite.. I honestly can not be bothered with various people being in my surroundings while im trying to relax and probably feel like my lady bits are being beaten up at the same time.. Mum understands that in holland there more laid back on the thought of homebirth and hospital is usually a block away which i suppose is quite reassuring in need of a transfer.. But espcially in my area they seem to get people to the birthing centre of mayor hospitals! I kind of wonder if theres anyone maybe in the same area that experienced or where very strong on the idea of homebirth and how to get the best possible birth experience..
I'm afraid I don't have advice but I'm in a similar position to you, I was also born at home myself and I believe it would make for a better experience all round if I can do a home birth. I don't much fancy all the hospital protocol that the hospital here follows plus I really hate the idea of being left on my own after the birth, they won't let the husbands stay at night so would have to go private if we want that. I'm having trouble finding a MW to attend because I'm not in the UK. As far as I know they are required to support you in a home birth through the NHS in UK, you just have to tell them that's what you want. They are usually okay about it as long as you don't have any high risk factors.

My OH was concerned about not being in hospital but I shared some statistics and information from this site about home birth, risks etc with him and it really helped him to feel more comfortable with the idea:
I wanted a home birth with my son (second baby) but ended up at hospital. If you really dislike hospitals so much I think a home birth is probably a sensible idea as you'll be more relaxed at home. My midwife actively encouraged me to have a home birth so I was fully supported and my husband understood that it was my body so it was my choice and he supported me. I'd encourage you to do as much research as you can on home births. I used a natal hypnotherapy CD to prepare for birth and it really really helped.
I hope you get the birth you want x
If you want a homebirth hun - go for it :D

I dilated to 6cms at home with NO pain releif!

Only transfered (and expected to towards end of pregnancy) as Katie was back to back and stuck.
So yes I was transfered, had an epi, was cut and ventouse put in so they could manually turn the head so I could pop her out. BUT like I said I was expecting a transfer as she needed manipulating to engage into my pelvis in the first place due to position.

At home I could eat, go to loo when needed, hug my dog, basically do what I wanted to/needed to in a relaxed manner. As soon as I got to hospital my contractions spaced out more due to stress making labour longer.

Have a look into homebirth with a birthing pool too hun :)
If I ever do have any more kids I would certainly do homebirth again and hopefully to the end!
I forgot to mention that, despite not having a home birth I dilated to 8cms at home with no pain relief and would opt for a home birth again if I ever had more children. :)
Not in your area but I had homebirth with our second and will have one with this baby. It's soo much more relaxed and hands off but u also have ur midwife with u at all times once she's arrived. I highly recommend them!! Less intervention etc. I fully trust my midwife and my body! Xxx
I think it's great to plan a homebirth. That was my intention until I found out I was having twins lol
Go for it, it so much more relaxed labouring at home etc. I plan on staying at home as long as I can, even with twins.

Just plan, that's really all you can do. Oh and read, read, read! homebirth.org is great resource.
I think homebirth is the best, they will not try to push any medications or other crazy things on you. Also episiotomy is very rare at home too. It is nice to be in your own environment when the baby is born and just ease down in you own home but apart from that you should have someone there who supports you.

Maybe your partner is just not sure because it is pretty rare in the UK to give birth at home (compared to the Netherlands). In the end I would totally go for a homebirth if this is what you want but it would be nice for the husband to support you. Many women end up in hospital with their first delivery even if they start out at home (75% or so) so a back up plan is always needed.

Just wanted to say you DO NO NEED any pain relief and no as (it is banned in all european countries except fro the uk now because it is considered dangerous). Good luck with whatever your decision will be :) xx
I had a home birth here in North Wales, hun, and it was AMAZING. My midwife and the midwives attending the birth, were so encouraging, I was never afraid. I did the whole thing with no pain relief at all, I tore a little bit but I stayed at home afterwards and LO was healthy. They didn't offer me pain relief because I never asked for it and I coped. I had to push for two hours and I believe that if I were in hospital, they might have intervened because I couldn't get her head out, but my midwives just sat back and let me do it in my own time whilst monitoring the baby all the time. I would encourage anyone to give it a go. She was my first as well, and I had no idea what to expect but it was fine.

Talk to your midwife about it. There's no harm in planning one and then choosing at the last minute to go to hospital if you're not happy at home. You won't have to make a decision until much later, and then it's completely flexible. If I'd rung the midwife and said I can't do it at home, I'd rather come to the birthing centre, she'd have said that's fine.

Hope this helps. xxx
My first was born in hospital (medical indication) and labour took much longer than necessary due to stress. This stress was mostly caused by my mother´s attendance in the room and my being afraid to tell her to go away (eventually the nurses kicked her out and then on it all went crazy fast). Slightly different situation, but just trying to say that stress will slow labour down. Afterwards, being on my own at 17 with a newborn and some other mother and child in the same room I was completely stressed out.

My second was born at home. It went so fast that she was born only 4 minutes after the midwife came running through the door and up the stairs.

I´m from the Netherlands (funny how the country is mentioned several times in this topic hehe), where homebirth is normal. In most situations favored even, especially by midwives. More people will frown at an elective hospital birth than a homebirth. The risks are exactly the same for home birth vs hospital birth. There is no higher risk of death for infant or mother by choosing to birth at home. If you have no medical indication, and you feel secure that you could manage without pain relief, I would totally opt to go home birth. It sounds like you would be way too stressed out in a hospital situation. And from what I´ve experienced in UK hospital maternity wards, I couldn´t agree more..
My first was born in hospital (medical indication) and labour took much longer than necessary due to stress. This stress was mostly caused by my mother´s attendance in the room and my being afraid to tell her to go away (eventually the nurses kicked her out and then on it all went crazy fast). Slightly different situation, but just trying to say that stress will slow labour down. Afterwards, being on my own at 17 with a newborn and some other mother and child in the same room I was completely stressed out.

My second was born at home. It went so fast that she was born only 4 minutes after the midwife came running through the door and up the stairs.

I´m from the Netherlands (funny how the country is mentioned several times in this topic hehe), where homebirth is normal. In most situations favored even, especially by midwives. More people will frown at an elective hospital birth than a homebirth. The risks are exactly the same for home birth vs hospital birth. There is no higher risk of death for infant or mother by choosing to birth at home. If you have no medical indication, and you feel secure that you could manage without pain relief, I would totally opt to go home birth. It sounds like you would be way too stressed out in a hospital situation. And from what I´ve experienced in UK hospital maternity wards, I couldn´t agree more..

Hey i am a dutchie too! Born, bred and birthed at home! ;)but yea i have the same thoughts!
My first was born in hospital (medical indication) and labour took much longer than necessary due to stress. This stress was mostly caused by my mother´s attendance in the room and my being afraid to tell her to go away (eventually the nurses kicked her out and then on it all went crazy fast). Slightly different situation, but just trying to say that stress will slow labour down. Afterwards, being on my own at 17 with a newborn and some other mother and child in the same room I was completely stressed out.

My second was born at home. It went so fast that she was born only 4 minutes after the midwife came running through the door and up the stairs.

I´m from the Netherlands (funny how the country is mentioned several times in this topic hehe), where homebirth is normal. In most situations favored even, especially by midwives. More people will frown at an elective hospital birth than a homebirth. The risks are exactly the same for home birth vs hospital birth. There is no higher risk of death for infant or mother by choosing to birth at home. If you have no medical indication, and you feel secure that you could manage without pain relief, I would totally opt to go home birth. It sounds like you would be way too stressed out in a hospital situation. And from what I´ve experienced in UK hospital maternity wards, I couldn´t agree more..

Hey i am a dutchie too! Born, bred and birthed at home! ;)but yea i have the same thoughts!

I am dutch too and just wanted to point out that some midwifes are also allowed to give painrelief at home births so if you are concerned about that it might ease the idea a bit. But being born in the netherlands and their attitude towards homebirth might help you tog owithout since birth is not seen as a dangerous and painfull (too painfull) experience over here.

Unfortunately this view is turning now but perhaps your husband will like to look into things. Most people base their opinion on fear and or preconception.

Good luck!
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Unfortunutely he doesnt and at the moment I have to compromise with the birthcentre! The pro is they might have the birthing pool available and all thr facilities like clean shower and bath and no ******ed boiler that requires constant resets when in need of warm!! Water... But i still dont like the idea of not being in my own environment and having to travel there and back in a time where I can think of many other ways to use my energy for.. But then again im quite sure it will be hard for me mom to be here for hopefully the majority of the labour as planes are a bit harder to catch then a train.. But ehm, no my OH said it will be entirely my own responsibility if im doing it at home and he will leave me to it.. Nice one.. :/ so i have no other choice but to compromise on birthcentre because if it is up to him he'll drive me straight to t royal hospital the minute my first contraction strarts! :|
Oh no :-( he cant leave u to it! Did u watch on tele last night about home births? I would love a home birth x
i wouldnt have a homebirth as my 1st baby was 10lb 14oz and back to back so i had to be cut, i feel safer in hospital. having said that i totally believe that if its where your calm and happy then it will be fine, i dialated to 9cm on my own with just a birthing ball and cocodamol in an early labour ward at hospital purely cos they wouldnt send me home as my waters had gone early, they didnt intervene much at all until the end and even then it was only a cut and then to be stitched up afterward. i reckon if its what you want then stick to your guns and make it happen :)
I dont think I'll have big baby as my other 2 been small! But im not bothering with a birth plan this time x

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