After being certain the new birthcentre in our area which replaced the maternity ward in the hospital to opt in to go there for giving birth, I was put off by my partner's hysterical comment I must stay overnight after birth.. Now there is no chance in this world that I want to stay overnight in a hospital, small chance much of my family will be there to be able to support me because having to go on a plane isnt cheap and might take a while for mum and dad to get themselves and accomodate themselves over here round birth period my partner had the most ridiculous thought he wouldnt be of much use during my stay when im asleep.. I was so furious about this I seriously started to consider to opt for homebirth, as in my best case senerio I dont have to leave my house at any time and have my personal space to move about and feel comfertable in..
I myself was born at home with no complications, my sister was born after that at home with a hospital transfer after birth due to a tiny rip in the cervix. Which meant my younger sister had no choice but to be born in hospital.. And my mum said, if she was born at home labour would've progressed more quickly because she did not fancy them hospital walls in the slightest! My dear hubby however was in distresss during labou himself, hospital born with some help of getting him out and he is convinced it is all more safer to be in hospital.. With all do respect, I have heard far more many cases of painful tearing up to the rectum, cutting in your lady bits and using tools to forecefully get thr baby out.. Which kind of sounds to be a side effect of the hospital being a stressfull place.. I had six teeth removed under complete aneastetic back in nov 2011 and i was left on a ward with more people I screamed the ward down also because I did not want to be there.. In such a bright lit awful place.. The nurses come to tell me to calm down and not to cry because it would make the pain worse, so I did the opposite.. I honestly can not be bothered with various people being in my surroundings while im trying to relax and probably feel like my lady bits are being beaten up at the same time.. Mum understands that in holland there more laid back on the thought of homebirth and hospital is usually a block away which i suppose is quite reassuring in need of a transfer.. But espcially in my area they seem to get people to the birthing centre of mayor hospitals! I kind of wonder if theres anyone maybe in the same area that experienced or where very strong on the idea of homebirth and how to get the best possible birth experience..
I myself was born at home with no complications, my sister was born after that at home with a hospital transfer after birth due to a tiny rip in the cervix. Which meant my younger sister had no choice but to be born in hospital.. And my mum said, if she was born at home labour would've progressed more quickly because she did not fancy them hospital walls in the slightest! My dear hubby however was in distresss during labou himself, hospital born with some help of getting him out and he is convinced it is all more safer to be in hospital.. With all do respect, I have heard far more many cases of painful tearing up to the rectum, cutting in your lady bits and using tools to forecefully get thr baby out.. Which kind of sounds to be a side effect of the hospital being a stressfull place.. I had six teeth removed under complete aneastetic back in nov 2011 and i was left on a ward with more people I screamed the ward down also because I did not want to be there.. In such a bright lit awful place.. The nurses come to tell me to calm down and not to cry because it would make the pain worse, so I did the opposite.. I honestly can not be bothered with various people being in my surroundings while im trying to relax and probably feel like my lady bits are being beaten up at the same time.. Mum understands that in holland there more laid back on the thought of homebirth and hospital is usually a block away which i suppose is quite reassuring in need of a transfer.. But espcially in my area they seem to get people to the birthing centre of mayor hospitals! I kind of wonder if theres anyone maybe in the same area that experienced or where very strong on the idea of homebirth and how to get the best possible birth experience..