I am No really I am

well if you do feel shitty or worried im here for ya hun :hug:

Your a star, and I got a feeling all will be well :D
best bloody hurry up then chicken :lol: I am gonna need some company there cuz I am the first oct and all the septs will leave and I will be alone :rotfl:
GGG if you've had a few m/c's can't you push for a scan at about 7/8wks chick, if you get a h/beat and all is well you could tell OH then maybe?. That's what I did, and although I also had some bleeding so they probably would've scanned me I would have made them even if I had to LIE :shock: :shock:
I am hoping with my history the doc will push for an early scan, that would be lovely to be able to relax and know everything is where it should be or at least know if it isn't.
I will mention it at my next apt.
I had 2 miscarriages and I pushed the Dr to get me an early scan but the earliest the EPU would see me is 8 weeks.
So she was really nice and did HCG Blood tests on 3 occasions over 2 weeks to make sure the HCG was rising as it should.
Really gave me peace of mind, it's worth asking :hug:

:cheer: :hug: :dance: Fantastic News Doll :clap: :hug:
I am very very happy for you, I don't post often now but i still pop back from time to time to see how you are all doing, And can i just say....You so deserve this!!!!
Please take good care of you,
NO more Cola, or Anything with Caffine in it..(linked to MC)
Take you folic acid,
And lastly, let everyone fuss over you and enjoy it.... Time to chill out and have a happy uneventfull nine months.... Yippee.. October Baby!!! the First I have saw on the forum... I hope i can join you too....
Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
Big congrats and hope you manage to get an early scan so that you can relax a bit!! :hug: :hug:
Thanks everyone. :hug: :hug: :hug: I am feeling a lot better today, I think I get over emotional when I get tired :oops:
I have been really good I promise been taking vits for a few months now, eating healthy and not having anything more that 2 cups of tea a day....just boring old water :D no not old water really - fresh water :rotfl:
I can't say I will totally relax until I have seen the doctor and sorted out a scan. But I am going to try and enjoy it
I am bored of being the only one carrying and Oct bubs so hurry up girls :hug:
whyslifesobig said:
Thanks Girls
I have a good feeling about this one
Yeah all go touch the willy on the statue :rotfl:

haha sorry but had to comment coz thats what i did, im so sure thats what it was :rotfl: coz just after that i got pregnant :D
whyslifesobig said:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I want a willy toucher blinkie
lol i was trying to find a picture but i cant :shock:

Congrats on ur BFP by the way :dance:

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