I am in hozzie

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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admitted earlier with chest pains.... :cry:
keeping me in for observation tonight, got to rule out clot on lung

its horrid and i am so upset, i want to go home :cry:

baby ok

hope to be out tomorrow
:hug: :hug:
aww, you wee soul. I know its horrible but they just want to make sure you and that wee baby are okay.
Take care
aww zoe get out of there soon chicken! :hug:
oh gosh, i hope your ok hunny, look forward to you being home and well again xx
they doubt it is but need to scan to rule out

OH is laughing at my dedication to forum with this crappy keyboard on tv thingie

doc says all ok with bubba
in january ull be messagin us between contractions ;) hahaha
poor you :( thinking of you hope all is ok :)

i love bedside internet key pad is crap though. i posted my entire birth story on it :lol:
Oh crikey Zoe!
Take it easy! Glad the baby's ok but look after yourself.
L xx :hug:
*Keeping my fingers crossed for you* Glad baby's ok, and hope you will be tooooo :hug:
they moved me onto a ward @ 2am, much quieter and nicer

chest scan booked for morning 2 rule out clot...

bloods come back as raised white cells_sometthing we knew 4 fookin weeks ago but the stuffinn midwiife kept cockin up so they r lookin at UTI

hopin they might let OH take me 2 see sis tomorro :cheer:
Get well soon zoe. Hopefully your be home soon. Hospitals are not a nice place to be!!!!!!!!
Hope they let you home today (& to see your sis)....hope you are feeling better soon. :hug:
:hug: Aww hunny I hope you get better soon and the scan goes well :hug:

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