I am going nuts.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2010
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I think im imagining things. Right now i feel soooo thirsty, ive drank and drank and drank and nothing will make it go away. As a result of all this drinking im peeing like mad haha!! My sore nipples are still here, they vary in pain level throughout the day, af due in 5 or 6 days, I should have aching boobs by now, and some cramps, but NOTHING...oh dear..

Also, and sorry if this is TMI, but normally, I get really horrendous bowel movements about now before af due. But ive been constipated for about 3 days. 3 Massive bowls of all bran (1 would normally have me going in no time lol) and still nothing...

Am I going CRAZY?! :shock::shock::shock::shock:

Hope these are all good signs for you my lovely, would be amazing! :)

I wouldn't pin everything on symptoms you're supposed to have as loads of women begin pregnancy with no symptoms and have no idea they're preg/think they're out.

I'm cheering for you hun, hope you're feeling better this morning. x x

P.S. I'm the same with my boobs, they've been feeling a bit bruised but mainly around the sides so I find myself squeezing at the side to check I still have that symptom (crazy? Me?) and find that it varies through the day on how sore they feel. They have never felt too bad though but noticeable! You're not alone hun! x x
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