I am feeling very smug - what has everyone bought so far?

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Yay I started today,

Dr who character creations tardis playset with 4 figures
Dr who flesh with random body parts (Eww lol)
2012 diary
Stapler and staples
Pritt stick pack
Flying tardis toy with Dr & Amy figures
Character building 11 doctors set

Woohoo and were off...

I can add today ....
Josh, ....
Moshi monsters annual
Horrid Henry annual
Bin weevils handbook
Horrid Henry - horrid Henry and the zombie vampire
Dr who character book thing (can't remember title)
Moshi monsters top trumps
Club penguin.membership
Kilner jar full of fizzy snakes. (20% off at BHS)
Packet of Lego character pieces
Skylanders game and toys for the Xbox

And Hubby
A bottle of Fahrenheit aftershave

Mum (birthday) 7th January

Giftset reduced from£10 to £6.80
(showergel. Body butter & body polisher)

Ooh its all coming along nicely!
Daisypurple how old is Josh? that sounds like monty list last year I want that boy back lol this year he only wants gadgets and hasn't asked for any toys my sister has just rang to say she has got him a docking station as it was all she could think of for him xx
Hiya lanny he will be 10 next month unfortunately its the first Christmas that he doesn't believe in Santa but I'm still going to make it special I've told him I've got £150 to spend and he is looking at stuff and saying woah! That's expensive if I have that then I won't have much left etc, but I'm just getting everything I know he will like so he gets a shock on Christmas morning, think ill be able to spend about £400 in total x
How old is Monty? Xx
Daisypurple how old is Josh? that sounds like monty list last year I want that boy back lol this year he only wants gadgets and hasn't asked for any toys my sister has just rang to say she has got him a docking station as it was all she could think of for him xx

If he's into gadgets what about a metal detector, spy gear stuff, weather station, cash machine (my boys loved these, they had their own 'cash card' too. They're big gadget freaks in this house so if you want a hand give me a shout x
Bet J would love a metal detector might look into this, I love this thread, nicking everyone's ideas lol
He's 7 next wk but has just changed sooooo much in a year, he got spy gear stuff and hasn't touched it cos that would mean he would have to be a child and 'play'.
He is too old and thinks he's older then he is he had to get dressed up for school the other wk and he said it was the worse day of his life but the other kids his age where running about the playground loving it.

I dunno what happen to my boy that played Lego and cars, I know the biggest problem is his computers he has a laptop, xbox and wii and a 32 inch telly on his bedroom wall and would sit there all day but it's so hard as o/h loves xbox too so the pair of them sit there, I wouldn't mind as much if he took interest into other things but apart from DVD he doesn't .

Halloween he didn't want to go to a party all my friends where taking there children too as that would maybe playing party games, so
Now we are going around the houses but he only wants his face painting as a scary clown won't wear anything,

I just see kids loads older then him more child like then him and wish he was more childlike, he is really clever i don't know if that hasn't anything to do with it , his teacher said she can say a adult joke in class and it go's over everyother kids head but she always gets a little laugh out of monty as in gets it.
I've got George foreman grill and kettle and toaster for odhrans kitchen, going to ikea today hopefully to get his armchair and table and chairs x
Cannot believe we're just under 7 weeks away :faint:

I've still got a lot to get although made a start on my mum, I'm hoping by next week or the week after I'll nearly be sorted and then have to wrap the little bits for under the tree and in theory I should be done :eh:
I know mamafy :faint: we will get there lol odhrans granny is giving me £50 the first week of December to get odhran things from her so its not wasted on silly bits so that should finish him off (I say that, but wether I stop or not is a different story lol)

I've got my mum; photo book, Yankee burner and tarts, plaque that says "the only thing better than having you as our mummy us having you as our children's nana"

Need to start on the others now x
i am completely done now. waiting for it a few bits to arrive and then wrap em up. and then its time to think about homemade goodies and how im gunna wrap em and make em look all pretty... ideas would be great!
I'm nowhere near done, loads to get for the kids thinking they were just bits and pieces but me and o/h wrote a list last night and boy to bits and bobs add up lol

I haven't even started other people yet I thought I was doing so well now it's all caught up to be blooming hell 7 wks xxxx
ive now got my mums and mil's. I put my name down in january to have a memory teddy made of h's baby clothes and she contacted me just before h's bday and we decided to have one made for the nan's out of the clothes they bought him. I saw a pic of them today and i cant wait to receive them!! One less to get now!! So only oh, brothers, 3 cousins and dad to get now!!
that soundsfab tinkerbell who dose it???
It's on Facebook her names handmade by Laura but her waiting list is a year long and it so happens its near xmas when she contacted me! They're from £19.50 depending on which animal you want! F you look on her wall photos mine are the lion and two bears with the subtitle of martina if you guys want when they arrive tommorow I'll post a pic!
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Blimey ladies your doing well!

Well as Ive been on maternity Ive done much better this year,

I have brought and wrapped all but money wallets, two vouchers and 2 presents , including all 4 stockings (all wrapped too), plus the first two kids birthdays (jan 2012) done , all but 4 pressies wrapped , (waiting for delivery from games workshop). my bedroom looks a right mess and pile of present bags all over my chest of drawers!! Have all special xmas cards ready to write , and family xmas photo of kids in festive outfits for making homemade photo xmas cards.

Devon has for xmas -

3 blue , red and yellow smileyface rubbery balls from tesco (he has one already in green he loves it)
two bags balls (from carboot) plus paddling pool
My first Playmobil Noahs ark
Fisher price twist and turn farm
small discover Thomas - Thomas and James trains
Some bath squirters and two books
Milky bar tiny kids choc set (In stocking)
Fisher price roll n race cars x 4
Fisher price chase n race ramps inc 2 cars

Bday - he has megabloks ride on firetruck, zoo talkers safari truck and 4 zoo talker animals (my mums getting him the zoo talkers thing for joint xmas and bday). 3 hard books that come with soft animals to match them from the kids. Thomas rucksack, Discover thomas tidmouth sheds playset and the remaining 4 trains in the set.

Just need to get the last homemade cracker gift for OH and I can get to work making those from my old kitchen rolls,

Hoping to try to gte bank accounts back on track by xmas by having done it all early, so I feel like i'm going through january money drought right now instead?
You're doing so well Jenni :yay: I love that megabloks fire engine :love: I got my wee man the megabloks dump truck :yay: but that ride-on looks ace :)
I'm getting c a willy weight :rofl: it's only 2.50, he can open it on Xmas eve
i picked up a samsung laptop for one of the big boys
asda have fab deals on at the mo i got rose a box of dress up shoes and a doll and dress up clothes for 8 pound
they have some fab make and do stuff to so i got a play dough set chalk card and chalk tub, a tub of art and craft pieces
b&m had some lovely storage boxes for meg jack and amys bratz
i am looking to see if i can get some games for amys leapster next i need a few girlie ones, i want to get some more building blocks to they spend hours playing with them. oh i got the cutest cooking sets in b&m they have cookie cutters rolling pins a little whisk and wooden spoon and cake tins. i bake with the small kids all the time so they are going to go nuts for them
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