I AM F****N FUMING!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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Well at work we got our letter stating our payrise today. it was a joke that i was working for £10,000 as i am nearly 20 and the other secretaries in the firm work for £16,500. i asked my manager that i wanted around £12,000 as i only work 2 days secretary full time and the other 3 days on reception full time and they have given me £11,000. £1,000 MORE THAN WHAT I WAS ON!!!!! how the f**k do they get away with that???? its disgusting i am nearly in tears - i have sent me manager a right email!!!!!!!!!!!!

im soooo upset by this!!!

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
do you get paid less because of your age?
no becuase a lass who i know has just gone up to £16,500 and she is only a year older than me!!!!
You should quit and work here with me :cheer:
I dont think age should come in to it, i think it goes on qualification? Im fuming as well i was meant to have a payrise due to cost of living but they haven't sorted it out! I worked loads of overtime as well and that doesn't seem to have been paid either. My DH is a finance director and he wants my pay rolls number to give them an ear bashing - oops how embarrising!

I would have a word with your manager if you think you are entitled to more. How many hours do you work and is it salaried rather than hourly pay? I'll get DH to see if you are legally entitled to more if you want ie. national minimum wage?
i work 37.5 hours a week and i am nearly 20

but all the other secretaries are on £16,500

i am sooo upset and mad by this

Jenna - where do you work?
MissGobby said:
i work 37.5 hours a week and i am nearly 20

but all the other secretaries are on £16,500

i am sooo upset and mad by this

Jenna - where do you work?

i work for the home office, the buildings on the moor. I get £12,500 for 37 hours a week and its easy work. Easy to get a job here and fantastic at getting promotions! :cheer:
my mums friend works for the home office, in the immigration part i think. have you any jobs at the moment Jenna?
MissGobby said:
my mums friend works for the home office, in the immigration part i think. have you any jobs at the moment Jenna?

me2 :)

Yes, every 5/6 weeks we have emails say where and when there will be jobs advertised. Next time i get one i'll PM you, usually in the star. You only need 3 GCSE's a-c to qualify and IT/Customer experiance will be a good advantage for you.
Unfortunatley you are over the minimum wage so i dont think legally there is anything you can do about it. It might be worth talking to your manager and letting them know you aren't happy with you wages and explain why.


.... start looking for a new job? If they think you are worth keeping they might up your wages although this is always a bit tricky if they think they can employ someone for less.

Do you have ny specific qualifications that could help you in the job search?
secretary for the family dept.

Jenna yeah taht would be brilliant hun - thanks!! :D

you might know my mums friend then, she is called Vicky.
hmm i dont think iv met any one called vicky here. Is she on LTR? Business team? WRS? People keep saying they know me and iv totally forgot who they are :shock: very embaressing!
I used to work for Dept for Work & Pensions (or JCP as it is now and dont all slag me off) and it was 5 GCSEs or equivalent for AO jobs, you get good holidays, sick leave, maternity pay etc working for the government.
Jenna is there a website with jobs on, or somewhere to contact them, i did apply for a job there once but cant remember how i got to find out about it
MissGobby said:
Jenna is there a website with jobs on, or somewhere to contact them, i did apply for a job there once but cant remember how i got to find out about it

hmm im not sure :think: You might be able to find something about it if you type a few keywords in google and see what comes up. Or you could keep checking the star newspaper or the job centre (as far as i know they use those 2 for external).
Just a thought if you are thinking about getting a new job - would you still be entitled to maternity pay? Might be worth checking that out as well. Good luck in your search and i hope you find what youa re looking for :hug:
thanks tuck!!!

im not sure tots - will have to look into that - but im not even PG yet lol
i think you only get it if youve worked there 6months before you found out or something like that. But you egt excellent pay if you do get it :D
its the same with my OH hes currently an area manager even tho hes is 21 he wont get the proper wage till hes 22, its a stupid rule i kno coz he works just as hard as everyone else but it is the NMW (national min wage ) that affects it.

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