

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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I have had a really bad couple of days and just wanna cry my eyes out!

wot happened is .... and sorry for making this so long!!

me and my mum are like best friends and are forever messing around her calling me a cow and me calling her a dog. well yesturday was no different we were having our usual mess around.
after tea she went to get desert and and Gen (our dog) went to sit on her chair so i sed messing around hello mum and then sed Gen can u get down please (like u would) then 10 mins l8er mum came flying in, in a rite mood and started having a rite go at me saying that she is forever looking after B (i do 99% of things for B) and i take libertys and always asking her to take B which i have done 3 times and the rest she has volventeered for, so i decided it would be better to get out of her hair for a while for her to calm down so i sorted B out for bed and put him down!
well this mornin i got up and ready for work ( i work with my mum) and wen i got there i had to give her two messages from my dad and aunt and i expected her to be in a good mood and forgotten about last nite but how wroung could i have bin i went in and said "morning mum u alrite can u ring dad and my aunt" and she just grunted so i thought ok then shell calm, down later, so i went back later asking her wot she wanted for dinner and she wouldnt tlk to me - and she wasnt busy as she was messing round with other people even sed to 1 ur gr8 wish u were my daughter right infornt of me :cry: :cry:
then tonite wen i got home she would walk out the room if i walked in refused to tlk to me etc i was really upset i tried talking to her and apologising if i had upset her last nite but she just told me to go away!!
so i went and sat in my room and gave B a bottle and he started to kinda choke so i patted his back like id been told to do and was calling mum frantikly and then B started to go blue and i was getting really upset so i was shouting really loud then he through up and was ok and he was starting to calm down " wen mum came up and sed wot the f*ck u shouting about' by this time i was hysterical and petrified, and wen i sed to mum wot had just happened she sed his ok now and nothing i could have done that you hadnt :cry: :cry: :cry: which didnt help as at that time i thought i needed u i really did, she is now only just tlking to me and i am so upset it feels like noone in my family cares how i feel and if it wasnt for B and me needing so much for him i think i would ave moved out i am so upset my lil boy nearly choked to death and it was a case of "his ok dont be silly" :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Thats quite rough, she isnt being very supportive just now but then maybe she is knackered. Whats age is she??? They get a bit weird when they get to a certain age.
Glad b is okay :D
43 she has vever been like this before not even wen i found out i was pg
Hi Sarah

I know im chatting to you right now but i hope everything turns out okay and try and keep your head up im sure shes prob just having a few bad mood days and surely it will pass.
You do an excellent job taking care of B and im glad hes okay.
Love ya Katrina and Kaira xxx
Sarah... If you find that you mum is increasingly getting moody or edgy, she could well be at the start of her menopause too. You said she was having probs at work and was stressed. Remember, we all take our moods out on our nearest and dearest!! She'll come round. Give her some space and keep B to yourself for a while. Prepare some meals if you've got time........ just brown the meat, add jar of sauce and cook rice/pasta. It goes doubley quick, and might just give mum a break.

I know you're upset. Stay cool, look after B first and let the dust settle. You're a great mummy... I've said that a 100 x!!!! So, don't beat yourself up...... we can all be a bit irritable from tm to time.

Let us know how you get on. we're rooting for you!!!
Emilia xx :wink:
hi Sarah ((hugs)),

it could be pmt on her part or as others have said the beginnings of the menopause. Before you start really going through the "change of life" there is a phase called the peri-menopause which involves mood swings, odd periods and all sorts of fun stuff like that. My mum didn't realise that this early phase existed and felt generally "off" for a couple of years. Funnily enough she has now gone through the main hot flush phase and thought that her periods had finally finished until she came in with me for the birth- since then her hormones have gone funny again and she's having periods again- almost like her body has been triggered by the experience. Women's bodies are odd things! Perhaps your Mum's closeness to you has affected her hormones somehow?

Sorry to hear about your scare- it must have ben terrifying! Well done for getting him to throw it up!

Hope things get better for you soon- it's mother's day coming up- can you think of something really nice to do for her?

i am doing her a 3 course meal for mothers day!!!

she is starting to tlk to me a bit more today :D so we are getting somewhere

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