I am due 2nd July 2006!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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Hi all!

I am 5wks gone and am over the moon!! I am 22yr and DH is 32 and we have been married a little over a year but been together for almost 6yrs!!

My due date (at the moment - not 100% sure until scan!!) is 2nd July 2006!!

S. xx
Congratulations Sarah!

Hopefully you'll have some company in the July room soon, there are a few of us still waiting to see if our AF's are going to arrive.
Hi Sarah,

Yippeee, you have me for company! My due date is mid July sometime, 11th/14th depends which calculator I use. A summer bambino!

Look forward to sharing our pregnancy journey together. :D
Yeaaahhhh!!! Congratulations on your BFP!!! :D 8) :D

I'm so happy for you!! Now we can share all our symptoms together! Have you had any so far? I am so tired all the time and my morning sickness is getting worse!

Do you have you appt for the midwife yet? My doctor says I have to call and make an appt with the midwife when I am closer to the 8wk mark.

Let me know how you are getting on!!

S. xx :wink:

We've got a nice group growing in here, there's room for more though, hopefully we'll get a few more girlies in with us soon.

I've got to phone up on the day I need an appointment with my doc, doing that first thing tomorrow.

I'll be 5 weeks pg tomorrow. So far only symptoms I have is:

sore nipples (especially when I go out as it's so cold now).
AF type cramps
Feeling very tired.

So far no morning sickness, hoping that continues but on the other hand it will make me feel a bit more reassured that there is a little embryo growing inside me.
OMG!! I wish I could say I was havin no morning sickness!!

I have been feeling queezy since the beginning but have now actually started being sick at the weekend!! It's horrible!! :cry: :(

Just have to put up with it tho! It's smells thats getting me the worse! I have been drinking tea like there is no tomorrow but on thurday when I went to have another cup I opened the cannister with the teabags in it and the smell just made me throw up!! So now I am drinking just boild water - which I found out is supposed to be really good for you and cleans out your system!! :?

My doctors called yesterday and I have my appt with the midwife on the 24th November so I'll be 8wks then. I can't wait, I'm a bit nervous, but still so excited!!

Take care all and hopefully we'll have some new additions to the room!!

S. xx
I felt a little bit nauseas today but I think it's cos I need to eat more frequently. I have noticed smells much more than I normally do and that will get worse, I'll start throwing up once my sense of smell gets stronger.

I've just had my doctors appointment, I won't be seeing my midwife until the 13th of December! I'll be 10 weeks by then. They only come to the surgery twice a week and are fully booked until the 6th of December when I'm away with work. Bit disappointed as I was hoping to be having my scan then and have had my midwife appointment around 8 weeks.

They do early scans but as I'm not seeing my midwife until 10 weeks I'll be lucky to get a scan before xmas.

Feeling disappointed at the moment that things will be moving slowly for me.
I am due the 5th of July with my 2nd child! I have my booking in appointment on the 9th december then a scan 2 weeks after that which will confirm my dates!
Been suffering with really bad morning sickness suffer with it on and off throughout the day!

Hope to see you soon
Hi and congrats on your news!!

I have my booking in appt on Thursday of this week and then I rekon should get my scan the week before Xmas as I'll be 12wks then.

My morning sickness is unbelievable just now!! I am feeling spewy 24-7! :cry: :( :cry: My Auntie keeps trying to tell me it's a good sign as it means everything is working right!!

Let me know how you are all getting on!!

S. xx :wink:
Hi Congratulations.. I will be Due 2 day befor you.. My birthday.. but they say they nerver arive on that date, but that would be great to share my birthday with my child.. Hope all is well.. X

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