I am convinced something is wrong


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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Maybe I am panicking again, but all the symptoms are now gone and the thing that worries me most is my breasts have slightly deflated - they felt fuller before, sorry for TMI.

My worst nightmare is go for my scan on Wednesday and they tell me that the baby has stopped developing.

I have had problems sleeping for the past couple of days, I just cant get it out of my head.

Sorry to hear you are worried. I have had days where I have not felt pregnant too. I try not to worry about it, but I know it is hard.

You will soon have your scan and see your little baby on the screen xx
I know it's hard but try not to worry. I've noticed I haven't had as much symtoms for the past week and I think it's just because we're approaching Tri 2. All the websites I've looked at say your symptoms start to ease around this time.

I've also got my 12 week scan on Wed :-) What time is yours?
I know it's hard but try not to worry. I've noticed I haven't had as much symtoms for the past week and I think it's just because we're approaching Tri 2. All the websites I've looked at say your symptoms start to ease around this time.

I've also got my 12 week scan on Wed :-) What time is yours?
Mine is at 12 noon, I am so happy OH can make it. What time is yours?

My OH has been trying to make me feel better and said as long as we dont have cramps or bleeding, we shouldnt worry, but I am just paranoid, I am just petrified of losing a baby again. Trying to keep myself busy
Its common to lose all sypmtoms at this time, your placenta takes over looking over the baby. Don't worry, I lost all symptoms at 6/7 weeks and tbh apart from a bump that moves :lol: and the most horendous heartburn ever, I wouldn't know I was pregnant!
Oooh mines at 9.45, I'm really excited but also nervous about it.

Think your OH is right but I know it's so hard not to worry. Just got to try and stay positive.

Best of luck for your scan :-)
Oooh mines at 9.45, I'm really excited but also nervous about it.

Think your OH is right but I know it's so hard not to worry. Just got to try and stay positive.

Best of luck for your scan :-)
Best of luck for you too, will be thinking of you. FX for both of us (or rather 4 of us)
Best of luck girls - fyi my boobs are up and down like a hot air ballon !! One day they are full, sore and agony to touch and the next day they are soft, back to normal and just a little tender. Seems to be worst in evening when I take my bra off to go to bed and I'm like *ouch*
Knock! I feel exactly the same.. paranoid to the core! It's ridiculous..Im making myself sick over it!

i just want to relax, and feel good about my symptons starting to dissapear but instead, im a tense wreck! :( xx
I think we're all paranoid and although the support on here is fantastic fear of the unknown is constantly at the back of your mind. Good luck at your scans!
Well, at least I am not alone in feeling paranoid, I just cant stop working myself up before the scan, I guess I am preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. Binzy, I am so happy you had a great scan, still think your doctor shouldnt have scared you in the first place.
hun dont worry my boobs only hurt for a little bit and they aint hurting no more but ive gone from an a to c so very strange they have grown without pain. I havent had sickness. i havent had loads of anything apart from a few pains! x
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I wouldn't worry i have had no symptoms and still do not feel pregnant, apart from the obvious kicking lol! Relax...lack of symptoms or loosing symptoms is nothing at all to worry about xxx
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The thing is if I didnt have any symptoms, I would think it'ok, but I had quite bad morning sickness etc and now all is gone and it makes me scared. I woke up again tonight and the thoughts were just running through my head. argh

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