Am i being OTT?


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2010
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I have only found out in the last week that I am expecting. Have done two postitive tests, I am only 5weeks plus 5 days (if my calculations are right)

I have been the docs and the earliest appointment with MW is in three weeks, I go on holiday to Turkey next Wednesday and I am really panicking!

Shall i push for an appointment before I go or will I be OK? am i beST taking some more tests?

it's my first time (can you tell? :lol:) so I am mega stressing and going to make myself ill at this rate

The MW is calling me later today I am sure she will calm me down, thanks though :)
You dont normally have your first midwife appointment until between 8-10 weeks anyway so the one in 3 weeks would be perfect timing for you. Don't worry about it - go and enjoy your holiday :)
Congratulations and welcome to First Trimester!

I didn't see my midwife until I was 10 weeks so try not to worry and have a fab holiday!

enjoy your hol and try not worry :)
If you have been to the docs then I would say enjoy your holiday and keep the appointment.

I am not seeing my Doctor until next thurs, was the earliest I could get with her by booking and I cant do the walk in clinic and chance it has have had to be in the office this week due tothe boss being away.
she called earlier, feel much better she is absolutely lovely! told me to avoid drinking their water/eating salad in restaurants as it might have been washed in their water (dammit! i love fish and salad when i am away!!) got some of them AWFUL stockings for the plane, and like you have all said 'enjoy my holiday' haha

woooo really excited now :)
Ha , just seen this and you have it all sorted now, it seems, your midwife does sound lovely.
Just relax , and enjoy your holiday, knowing that when you come back you will be 8 weeks plus!!

Congrats X

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