I am back and I am a mummy!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2006
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hey everyone!!!!!!!!!!

Well I did it I am a mummy!

I am still in shock.

I have had an awful time of it and will post more in the birth section. But the basic jist is I was induced and it took 4 hours to get 4cm dilated then a further 1 hour to get fully dilated :shock: I had an epidural sited at the begining but only had a partial block so used Gas and Air....(fantastic) But then Logan got distressed and I had to have an emergency section.

As the epidural wasn't working properley I could feel everything they were doing and it was so painful.. I was basically old put up with the pain or we put you to sleep! :shock: and when they reached in for Logan he decided he didn't want to come out so turned breech! So lots of pulling and grabbing and then he arrived!

Not too large at 8lb 6!! But dead long! And a little angel. I am manging to breast feed and I am dead proud of myself.. I may be on here to ask Budge a thing or too in the next few days!

I am mega sore and shell shocked by it all but it is worth it!

I will write a proper birth story when I have time... but I am now home!

Thankx for your texts and kind words!!!!!!!!

awww hun sounds like u had a pretty awful time :hug:

But well done you and grtaz again on the birth of Logan :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
You did fantastic hunny, how brave!
Cant wait to see piccies of your little man, I bet hes GORGEOUS

Well done for taking to breast feeding, I hope I can do it..

Enoy your little bundle of joy, cuddle him for me xx
:shock: blimey you culd feel what they were doing :shock:

Welldone and congratulations hunny :clap:
congrats on the bf'ing, sorry your birth wasnt what ud hoped for, but ur lil man what an end result.... cant wait for photos!!!
Congratulations hun! He's here now & you can concentrate on being a fab mummy - well done you!!
Awwww Lyndsey - I feel all emotional!
Well done to you although it sounds like you had a tough time of it.
One hour to fully dilate is impressive though!
Can't wait to heart the full story and see pics!
Enjoy every minute!
L xx
god im getting more and more scared of giving birth lol. but congrats :) and hope u heal up quickly :hug:
I know how you feel Claire all these birth stories make you crap your self dont they :rotfl:


Sounds like you had a bad birth experience hun but the main thing is you got through it and now you have you gorgeous baby boy. :cheer:

Cant wait to see piccies :hug:

Well done, rest up hun!
Congratulations, great news! Sorry about the c-section, I had an emergency one too after 45 hours of labour and it isn't nice at all but I bet you're so happy to be home. :)
Lyndsey, congratulations and all the best with your new arrival

Sounds exactly like what happened to me. Hope you are ok and make a speedy recovery :hug:
Congratulations Lyndsey - sorry you had such an ordeal but glad you're both home now. Hope you make a speedy recovery.

CONGRATULATIONS LYNDSEY!!!! :hug: :D :hug: Nice one and well done!

welcome Logan!

Been logging on to see if you were home yet and here u are :lol: i bet ur glad to be home rather in that stupid crappy hospital! Havnt been able txt u ive had no credit sorry.

and i told you he was gonna be a boy :lol: from the minute we started speaking :lol:

congrats again! I bet he's lovely. Enjoy!
Well done, how awfully you were treated :shock:

Congrats on your new arrival :cheer:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: well done lyndsey congratulations and glad you home. welcome to the world logan, great name by the way xx enjoy him xx :hug:
Congratulations on the birth of your little man lynsey, love the name too :hug: :hug: xxxx
Congratulations Lyndsey! Welcome to Logan . He obviously wanted to stay inside you - such a mischievous little man! :wave: Glad you have recovered.

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