I am HOME!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
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Hi everyone!

I am home at last got back today me and baby Owain are home safe and well.

I have been in hospital for the past 3 weeks with pre eclampsia, I was induced last wedsnesday and gave birth (naturally :cheer: ) to Owain the next day.

My labour was only 2 1/2 hours long and I had no pain relief so I was abit of a hero in my ward! :rotfl: I was attached to the monitor and it was saying I was having no contractions when infact I was! I went from 1cm dilated to 10 in 90 minutes so its safe to say I was in alot of pain!

He was in abit of distress when I was contracting and his heart rate was dropping from 160 to 80 each time so he had to be delivered with forceps but to be honest I was in so much pain I just 'zapped' out and didnt even notice what was happening around me!

Owain was in intensive care for 5 days due to be premature and once he had established his feeding he was in the ward with me and we came home today :cheer: :cheer:

Anyway I have some fantastic piccys to post up so I will so soon.
Still can't believe your all done :cheer:

Great to know your home safe and well with the new baby.

Congrats yet again!
I did wonder where you'd gone Vicky. Damn that must have been a long 3 weeks!

Congratulations on the safe arrival of baby Owain!

Wonderful to hear that you are home safe and sound.
I can't believe it!! Well done you, you did really well with no pain relief!! Congratulations and welcome little Owain :hug: :hug:
huge congrats to u vicky, fantastic soundin birth!!
glad little Owain is safe, enjoy ur new family!!!
congratulations and welcome home Owain.

Sounds like a long threee weeks.
Congratulations and well done on no pain relief. I am glad Owain is home and safe :D
Good to hear you're home....congrats on your little man.....looking forward to the piccies :cheer:
Well done and welcome baby Owain, glad mom and baby are well x
well done vicky. enjoy being a mummy xx

you were so brave :clap:
Well done honey!! Cant wait to see piccies!!! So glad your both home and safe!! :hug:
Congratulations! Sounds like you had an amazing labour, the next one will be even quicker!!

Welcome baby Owain :cheer:

Congrats hun you must be so glad to finally be home, glad your both doing well

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