I actually had a good midwife appointment!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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Usually i come back from the midwife moaning and groaning and feeling very unsatisfied lol, this time however i feel good!!

She had a student with her so was really explaining everything, my bp is still good, i had a quick look and it's been pretty steady throughout. Urine is free of all stuff etc.

Fundal height is spot on (she loved my bump band lol) and she spent ages having a feel of where baby is, she said she has a really boney bum! and you can really feel where all her little limbs are, which is good, but painful when she pokes them out!

Then she put the dopler on and he heartrate was really fast so i had to sit outside for ages and have a drink to calm her down, she'd been kicking whilst they were having a feel so she'd obivously got a litle over excited lol. After 15 minutes she wa back to sounding like normal Tally!

She made a comment after about her being very active and too make sure if she gets more active i ring and can go up to hospital and get a trace. I didnt really understand why this was?? Is it something to do with not wanting her HR raised too often or something??
glad mw appt went well and Tally is happy :D
glad you feeling happy its always nice to have a good m/w appointment. :) not to sure about her being too active.. maybe ring m/w tomorrow to ask why? xx
when a baby is stressed it can either go quiet (less movement) or major manic (more movement). Either is usually just due to bubs having a rest or feeling active but CAN be a sign that something is wrong - eg. not getting enough food from the placenta etc.

That is why they do a trace if either of those things persist - just to check it is normal actvity and not signs of stress.
Thankyou "smile" :) that makes sense!

Luckily she's very consistent with movement so it should be ok, but after being up the hospital once before cos of movement i had a slight worry/wonder why

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