Saw midwife today, well mine was off on a course so saw a different one and she was horrible!!!!
such a cow i hope i never see her again...she was just one of those people that obviosuly didnt like her job and just rushed people through and was arrogant! I was late into my appointment, not cause i was late but cause she was sat chatting to someone in her office for ages!!!!! She had the door open so i could hear...its like in your own time its not just you that has got to go back to work!!!!
Well anyway, im measuring spot on and she reckons babies head is engaged...she also reckons and average size baby but my nicer midwife reckoned an 8.5 lb babe ..
And one more rant, when she was checking babies position she didnt half push into me really hard, it really hurt....thats not how it has to be done, my doctor and other midwife had no problem checking the position gently and without hurting me!!!
cas xxxx

Well anyway, im measuring spot on and she reckons babies head is engaged...she also reckons and average size baby but my nicer midwife reckoned an 8.5 lb babe ..
And one more rant, when she was checking babies position she didnt half push into me really hard, it really hurt....thats not how it has to be done, my doctor and other midwife had no problem checking the position gently and without hurting me!!!

cas xxxx