I've bought the hypnobirthing book and cd from ebay (The Mongan Method) and have been reading and listening to it for a couple of weeks. After having an induction and epidural for my first child, and then I used positive thinking, sports psychology techniques, sitting in the bath and gas & air for my second, I've realised that the way you picture something happening, and the state of your mind can really change the way things happen. I'm fully aware that all sorts of things can happen in labour, and all sorts of things can affect your ability to cope (did the labour start in the middle of the night when you've had little sleep, or do you feel fully rested and feel strong etc), but I think it's great to have a few techniques and ways of thinking that can keep you calm, strong and trusting your body. I'm fully prepared for the unexpected in labour this time, but my ideal would be a calm water birth in hospital, with only gas and air for pain relief. If I end up in theatre with a c section, then I'm going to use my mind to remain calm at all costs.
The book's good and the cd really helps me relax (once I'd got over the lady's breathy American accent and the way she calls my massive belly a "chalice"!).
I'd be really interested to hear if anyone's used hypnobirthing, or similar relaxation techniques in labour, and how it went. Let me know girlies when you receive your book, and if you use it in labour.