Hyperemesis Gravidarum?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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Hi Im just wondering if many of you have heard of this and would you take it into account. I have read through all of the symptoms and I match most of them but is this bad enough to go to the doctors/hospital for?

I really dont know what to do. Its to the point where i can hardley stand more than a minuet, I couldnt even make a piece of toast in the toaster this morning. Im sick 4-5 times a day and if I cant bring up anything I can feel my body trying to push up anything it can. Im sick if I drink water too fast and can only sip or It will all just come up. And theres a constant nausea in my stomach unless I have been sick then im okay for about half a hour and its back again. I cant even go near a heater if im cold because the heat makes me sick! :cry: :cry: :cry: I dont know what Im ment to be doing.

And my poor boyfriend now refers to himself as a lump of meat with eyes because he feels so hopeless...that makes me laugh....then sick coz of the thought of meat!
I think that would be good reason to go to the docs, that sounds pretty severe :hug:
i agree i think you should go to the docs, there are medication they can give you for bad cases :hug:
I'd go see your GP. Chances are s/he can prescribe something for you.
I had this :(

Go to the doctors ASAP - before u get so dehydrated that they have to admit u to hospital. Believe me u don't want to be in hospital attached to a drip with doctors telling u "its only morning sickness" :roll:

I got prescribed tablets to take once I was discharged from hospital so the dotcor will probably prescribe u something to help. Keep taking them - even if u feel better cos if u stop taking them eventually the sickness will come back again :(

Hope u feel better soon. I know how horrible it is. I couldn't keep water down never mind food
Thankyou for all the replys Il try and get to the doctors tomorrow see what they have to say, although it can be hard to actually convince them that its more than a little bit of sick. I seen a couple of docs at the start and they said it doesnt matter if Im sick as long as Im getting enough water, but its stopping me from doing anything. OOOOO Im such a moaner! :shakehead:
Gingercubes said:
Thankyou for all the replys Il try and get to the doctors tomorrow see what they have to say, although it can be hard to actually convince them that its more than a little bit of sick. I seen a couple of docs at the start and they said it doesnt matter if Im sick as long as Im getting enough water, but its stopping me from doing anything. OOOOO Im such a moaner! :shakehead:

Thats rubbish though - u might not be getting enough water and u could be dehydrated. Bloody doctors - just completely lay it on and get the message through to them

Preventing it is better than being in hospital.
hiya hun i had this when i was having DS and its horrible

I was admitted to hospital serveral times up until i got to about 18 weeks.

If you could go to the doctors they will give you some anti sickness tablets or medicine.

it's hard to take sips of water that keeps coming back up but keep trying because dehydration is why they admitted me it wasn't the lack of food.

Hope you get to docs soon hunni x x x :hug:
p.s i'm already on sickness tablets with this pregnancy so just tell doc you wont leave the docs without something!
You can ask them to test your urine for ketones. I was admitted for hyperemesis because I had VERY high ketones and had to stay until they got enough fluids in and I was normal. That happened to me after one day of the severe sickness, so you definitely want to make sure you are checked out. It can be very dangerous for you and your baby if you do have hyperemesis and it is left untreated.
yep ive had thid both times. my ketones were sky high and i was admitted numerous times. i wasn't allowed home until i could eat and drink without being sick.

go to the dr asap, cause the longer you stay like that the longer it takes for you to recover
Poor you :hug:

Seriously, I would listen to Bee as she had a really rough time with this earlier on. Also, I had a friend (teaching colleague) a couple of years back who just thought it was mornign sickness and didn't want to bother her doctor so she struggled on and on and lost 4 stone (!) in a couple of months, and then ended up in hospital for weeks and weeks because she had made herself so ill.

Better to be safe than sorry - and good luck :hug:
Well Ive lost just over a stone now, but today I have had a realy good day I have only been sick once this morning.... :( think I might pay for it tomorrow though. Im still really low on energy I managed to fill my car with fuel and pay for it but couldnt go shopping because I felt too sick.

Im seeing my midwife for the first time on Monday so Im gonna keep drinking water and see what she has to say. Hopefully when she comes Il be at my worst hehe so she can sit and listen to my impressions of Barney from the simpsons whist i lean over the toilet!!

Thanks for your advice everyone....to the ones that have had this did u find that you might havea good day? Obviously out weighed by bad ones but some days you might not feel as bad as normal?
you do need to go and get seen. don't put it off!

i put it off and my kidneys were almost permanently damaged cause i was so dehydrated.
I can't remember having good days tbh - I constantly felt rotten and it just got worse and worse till something was done about it. Being admitted was the worst bit tbh :(

PLEASE go to the doctors soon - u really don't want to let this get any worse

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