Hyperemesis and ondansetron

Hi Mrs Bee,

That's the kind of thing my husband and I were hoping for but when we suggested it to the GP she said she'd never heard of it being done, then told me there was nothing she could do. However I rang the antenatal ward yesterday andthey suggested I go to the consultants clinic on Tuesday, I think he'll be the person to ask. He's treated me twice in hospital already.
Just wondering if you might know as well, does ranitidine for stomach acid work straight away or will I have to take it for a while? Thanks :) x
Yeah definitely ask the consultant like you say it's better than being hospitalised time and time again! I think it depends on the patient sweetie and what's going on with them. I wouldn't like to say as I don't know all your history etc. But again another good question to ask your consultant :) he is the expert after all.

Hope you get sorted lovely xx

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