hungry baby milk


May 22, 2013
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My lb is 8 weeks old ive had a bit of trouble with his milk i started him on cow and gate but he was always fussing and only went a hour between bottles so tried him on the hungry milk but he cried constantly so changed milk completely to aptamil he is happier now but still eating 4-5oz every hour/hour n a half so should i try him on the aptamil hungry milk? Ive got a 9yr old with a disability to look after as well so getting longer between feeds would really help he is a big boy he was 14lb2 last time he was weighed at 5 weeks ive tried to get him to take more at a time but he just throws it back up
Babies get growspurts they can have a bit more milk if they want if you'd change milk again that's really not good for their belly. My LO nailed down 7oz bottles a couple of days gone from 0-3mnth to 3-6month clothes and now drinks less again 3h/4h during the day and dropped a bottle at night. Using hungry baby this early could lead to early weaning.

David Victor JR. 21.40. - 19.05.'13 - 6lb 11oz /tapatalking
I know they have growth spurts and want more but this is normal for him he has been like this since birth last week he was wanting a bottle 20 mins after finishing 1 i think he was having a spurt then and now he is back to a hourish again i dont want to keep changing his milk but dont know what else to do as i said with my lg to look after its difficult to sit feeding him all day
Try tracking his feeds first if you literally see no improvement change to HB in a couple of weeks is he taking large amounts at once within 25mins? Or does he take little bits constantly that make you feel like he's feeding constantly? I changed bottles and it improved massively tommee tippees were giving him loads and loads of gas. Resulting in feeding constantly...

David Victor JR. 21.40. - 19.05.'13 - 6lb 11oz /tapatalking
He has 4/5 oz every bottle i use the tommee tippee bottles as well he does swallow alot of air but he is a good burper maybe ill try diffrent bottles befor changing his milk again if that worked for you which bottles did you change to?
Mam's cause he only takes them dummies figured that would be my best bet and now he goes for atleast three hours! X

David Victor JR. 21.40. - 19.05.'13 - 6lb 11oz /tapatalking
Ok i did notice that they are half price in argos so might try them. thanks x
Was going to say if teats are no issue you can always try dr browns or Avent they take out they air nicely too I still get a couple of bubbles here and there but no where near as much as with my TT bottles. I figured (I had 9 TT bottles and 4 avents before getting the mams) to just trial with one or two bottles incase they don't work :eek: hope it gets better x

David Victor JR. 21.40. - 19.05.'13 - 6lb 11oz /tapatalking
Yeah i will try a couple of options ive got all the tommee tippee stuff because i bought the starter kit so sould like new bottles that still fit in the steriliser and warmer as i dont want to have to change everything i did see today that tesco do a bottle the same size as the tt bottles but the teat looks alot easier to latch onto than the tt ones so got some testing to do. My OH is going mad bout all the money im going to spend now lol
Hey hun. I had the TT starter kit and moved on to dr browns bottles for his colic. They fit in the TT sterliser so no problem therebif ur changing bottles.
Im bk to using both his TT and DB bottles now.

Hope u get ur greedy boy sorted :)
buy a few HB cartons an see how he is on that before u waste money on a tub xx
My LO is 9 weeks tomorrow. Hes 14lbs 7oz so a big boy aswell.

Hes on SMA and has between 5-6oz every 3hrs roughly. 4hrs if i managed to get jim off to sleep before bottle is due as im trying to stretch it to 4hrs.

Goodluck hun xxx
My LO started on Cow and Gate and always seemed to have a bad tummy, it just didn't suit him. At 6 weeks he was also drinking 5/6oz every 1 1/2 - 2 hours. So at 6 1/2 weeks I changed him to Aptamil HB milk. He still had a bad tummy, and by 10 weeks he was drinking 7oz every 3 hours. He's always been a big boy, but he was having far too much for his weight. So at 10 weeks I changed him to HiPP Organic HB milk - and his problems seemed to disappear overnight! His tummy settled, and he started drinking his 7oz every 4 hours, and sleeping a bit longer at night.

I truly think hungry baby milk has it's place, and for us it was the right thing for him.
At 10 week my LO had a growspurt taking 7 oz every 3 to 4 h now settled on less again I think it's changed to easy imo and there is no need for if even my HV agrees on this... You do know whats on the pack are only guidelines right ??! Calc it and I bet they don't exceed the litre...

David Victor JR. 21.40. - 19.05.'13 - 6lb 11oz /tapatalking
But they wouldnt sell HB i it wasnt any good to babies. So just need that little bit extra xx
But they wouldnt sell HB i it wasnt any good to babies. So just need that little bit extra xx

Same with follow on milk :p I personally wouldn't change to HB too quickly it takes a couple of weeks to get used to the milk when changing in general in TS's case id try other bottles or giving more milk first iykwim before changing to HB once they're on HB there's nothing else but early weaning left I can understand some need a bit extra but before 6 moths its a bit last resort xx

David Victor JR. 21.40. - 19.05.'13 - 6lb 11oz /tapatalking
Yes it is only a guideline, but when your baby is easily having over 10oz more than the recommended amount, along with extremely unsettled sleep - then he needs something else to help. Also my LO wasn't ready for weaning until 5 and a half months (and then just tastes) - and didn't even make it to 9oz! So even though baba may need hungry baby milk, it doesn't necessarily follow that he/she would need to be weaned early.

I'm not saying that it should be used for every baby - it shouldn't. However, as someone who has had an experience with hungry baby milk, I wanted to share that experience.

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