

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2006
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Hiya all
im fed up constantly having hunger pains im just hungry all the time the feeling never seems to go !! got to stop myself eating constantly otherwise who knows what size il be after the baby comes !!
Anyone else feeling the same or is it just me ? :(
Don't worry your ot alone, I did a post on this a couple of days ago.

I am always hungry :oops: I wake up feeling abit nauseaus and absolutely starving every day.
I only feel full late in the evening, but I keep eating like a horse it's getting awful.

Charm X
Hi girls! I did some research on what they call an "insatiable appetite." Seems that's our problem. :) It'll pass soon though!
phew glad im not alone :lol: hopefully it will pass soon for us .
Ive had this too.. i try drinking water or OJ instead..helps for a while :D
I've put on 8lb in 4 weeks so yes, you could say I'm going through the same thing!

Although I will defend myself by saying that I'd only just lost 7lb on a diet just before getting PG - and they do say that weight goes back on really easily if you stop dieting suddenly (or something like that :lol: )

Anyway - the midwife said yesterday don't worry too much about it - bear with it for now, and just concentrate on eating healthily once the sickness has stopped :wink:
I am OK when I've just eaten but am finding I feel starving around an hour later - all very strange.

Mmmmmm food. I've got really hungry lately, but not for good things. I'm sat here eating dolly mixture sweets for breakfast :oops:
i know im the same its so strange having an appetite il eat dinner then about an hour later il sit and say "oh im hungry again" lol DH just looks at me :oops:
Yesterday I had soup and a roll, and a few grapes for dinner, and I felt rubbish all night.

It was like I'd had a 3 course dinner, felt so stuffed and bloated.


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