Huggies vs Pampers

Have found huggies rubbish on my little girl from day 1, hate the smell of pamperd! Get on fine with asda little angels but don't live anywhere near one! Currently using kiddicare just4bums and had no leaks xx

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Im another Pampers fan althought I do have some Asda ones to try, huggies leak for us too but so did the Asda ones when she was small so now shes a little bigger might be better X
Interesting read. I used Asda to begin with as got a brill offer when preg, but then moved to Pampers. I really like them, but they do smell rank. I think I might give the Asda ones a go again soon, depending on price. x
In my experience huggies leak wee constantly, tesco are pretty good but occasionally leak poo, pampers are good but Im finding they're better if I buy them big rather than waiting til he outgrows the size we're using size 3 now even though he could fit into either weight bracket
I've had no problems with pamers, huggies or little angels ones huggies one did leak once but that was because I forgot to change him before a feed he's currently on little angels ones and they're fine absorb everyrhing really well (even poo)
Nearly 8 years ago when my 1st was born, Huggies was like this, when 2nd LO was born I thought, there's no way Huggies is still as bad & I got 6 massive bags bought for me (of Huggies) was well chuffed, every single one of them leaked, I comlained to boots & the manager commented on how rubbish Huggies are & exchanged them for Pampers.

I've even had the utter crappy value ones out of Tesco (when we were out & forgot nappies that day) and they weren't even as bad as Huggies & there was about £5 of a price difference.


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