HPT How can this be?


Jul 28, 2006
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I posted yesterday and said i was going to do another test this morning after having a neg result yesterday afternoon.

I used clearblue again and didn't hold it under my flow, i peed into a cup and held the end in for 5 secs as suggested.

The right window had its line as normal but the main window only had the horizontal line in it.

An hour later I looked at it again and there was still only the horizontal line there.

I've just come to throw them both away tonight and now in the main window of the one I did today, it has a vertical line also?!

How can this be????

Here is a pic below, can you see the vertical line on it?

Please don't congratulate me if you think this means a sure pos because my hubby left me 3 months ago :(

We were going to work things out and so were still sleeping together until I found out he had lied to me about there being nobody else.

Not only that but I have got to go to the GPs this week because I think I have an STD :cry: :cry:

So as you can tell, I'm not really going to be thrilled if this is a pos because I don't know what on earth I'm going to do :(


im sorry to hear about what your going thorugh, must be so hard :(

but i have to say i think the bottom test, the one in your hand, is defo a positive one, mind you, the fact that it didnt come up for over an hour means it could be an evap line.

best thing to do is talk things over with your doc when you go to see him/her and take it from there, must be a shock at the mo so give it time to sink in a bit.

i found this on the net for you

What are evaporation lines?

Evaporation lines, as the name suggests are caused due to evaporation of the urine in then test area. These are lines that shows in the result window of the test, exactly where a positive sign would be. An evaporation line develops when the urine on the test area begins to dry, leaving a faint, usually colorless line. Evaporation lines appear to show up (or not show up) as a result of the composition of the particular urine specimen - and they may appear on any test regardless of brand.

http://www.early-pregnancy-tests.com/ev ... lines.html

hope this helps in some way

Hi hun,

I am so sorry to hear about your problems babe, I hope you get sorted soon hun and feel better :hug:

You should disregard any results after the given time frame, so Clearblue usually say to wait no more than 5 or 10 mins I think - otherwise it can be a false result after this time! xx
good luck,

i hope you get the outcome you want

Thanks Tam and thank you Layla again.

I'll see what my GP says and update here xxxx
That's what my first clearblue tests went like - they are very very sensitive. It wasn't until I got two strong lines on a first response that I believed it!

Good luck at the docs, hope you get the answers that you want :hug:
I'm sorry that you're going through this difficult time :(

I hope too that you get the results you want.

if u are Pregnant and have got an STD then its possible to treat the STD without harming the baby. Alternatively if you dont want to continue the pregnancy due to your situation, then they may want the STD to be cleared bafore any abortion as u might get an infection from it. Either way i hope u get what u want and im sorry for what he put u thru.. noone deserves that. Let us know xxx :hug:
I did 4 tests in all.

My clear blue were the final 2 that I actually did and both got the lines straight away, I didn't have to wait.

HOWEVER.... I did use a diferent brand a few days earlier and there was a really rally faint line that appeared after about an hour, I then did a second and there was a faint line but didn't get stronger like the first one.

I personally tink on my experience that you have a BFP there but try another one.

Good luck! x

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