hpt..early tests


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
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ive had enough!! :shock:

a.f due in two days and i wanna test...used an ebay cheapie and im seeing a very very very faint line... i just dont know if my mind is playing tricks with me :x

have tried taking a pic with my phone but its so blurry... can anyone point me in the direction of a reliable early test that i can get in a local chemist? :?

cheers in advance :hug:
clear blue is the best and u can use it 4 days early but its best to use first morning wee cause its will have more cocentrated hormone in it

good luck hun need some more oct babys in 1st tri
a clear blue or first response, but any from a chemist should work if you're getting a faint on the ebay one. has it developed any more from when you did it?
its moved!! :roll: its further towards the control line now, but im convinced these tests arent working... i read on the pee on a stick website that opks will come up as positives too, so being the pee on a stick addict i am, ive just done one and sure enough its positive too :?

the only thing is.. i feel really like a.f is flying in soon :cry:
when you say the opk was positive, you mean the test line was darker or same as the control line? If af was on her way you surely would not get a positive opk....i really suggest going and getting a clear blue! I wanna know now!

Good luck! :lol:
hannah9000 said:
when you say the opk was positive, you mean the test line was darker or same as the control line? If af was on her way you surely would not get a positive opk....i really suggest going and getting a clear blue! I wanna know now!

Good luck! :lol:

the same colour.... but the control line isnt very bright on these opks though :?

i do want to test but i dont want too cos if a clearblue comes back neg then my hope is over for another month!!

and you shouldnt encourage an addict to indulge... you wouldnt give howard marks a spliff so dont give me a test!!! :rotfl:
r they the cheap 1's cause if they r u need to dip them in for about 10 sec longer than the instuction says
i found that the dye didn't move if not done for longer
i used a clear blue and got a positive 10dpo.... test, test!!

good luck x
Lilypad said:
r they the cheap 1's cause if they r u need to dip them in for about 10 sec longer than the instuction says
i found that the dye didn't move if not done for longer

yeah their ebay cheapies... blue writing with one step test on them :?

so i need to dip them for about secs then? :?

This is bloody great eh... ttc and cant even use a test :rotfl:

hurry up and get another test....I think you may have done it!
chellieboo said:

hurry up and get another test....I think you may have done it!

and calm.... in through the nose lovely and out through the mouth :rotfl:

i'll let you know soon girlies... :hug:
its not u the test instuctions r a bit crap
i used cheap 1 diped 4 time on leaflet and waited for 5 mins line was really faint so diped again and it went bit blurry and i thougth oh no i've bull's that up but after 2 min's came up with dark line so just needs a bit longer
also did clear blue digital next day tho which tells u in words so no mistaking the anwser
opk ebay ones are same i think says u have to leave it dipped for 10 seconds i always count to 15.

Good luck hunni!!!! :dance:
right my last test was used :?

with what appear to be 2 evaporation lines that appeared at about a minute or so..so i think ive cocked it up :cry:
buy some of tesco own make- they work really well and are much cheaper than clear blues :pray: :pray:

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