how's everyone feeling?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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After a m/c last November, i'm now trying to enjoy my new pregnancy! And just wondered how everyone else was doing? I just have such mixed feelings at the moment, swinging from being scared to go to the loo in case i see bleeding and worrying when i don't feel 'sick enough', to having moments of total happiness, and sneaking thoughts of what the future could be like if things all go well.

I just wish i could get a glimpse into the future and know how things might turn out, as at the moment each day feels like its dragging by, so God knows how i'll make it through the first 12 weeks!

Is anyone considering or had an early scan? I'm really tempted to get one to try to give myself some reassurance. When is the best time to get one? Is 6 weeks worth is?

Hope you're all coping well. What a confusing time in life!
I was just the same in the early days. Teetering between being happy and scared and not knowing from one day to the next how to feel or what would happen.

In the end the only thing you can do is take one day at a time and try to push the worry away. Try to enjoy the feeling of being pregnant and try to focus on the now rather than the "what if".

Its not as simple as that, but I can tell you it gets easier, and as time goes by you start to relax. I cried my heart out at my scan when she said baby was fine and again when I heard the heartbeat when I saw the midwife.

I still can't quite believe that everything is ok but am doing my very best to enjoy my pregnancy.
Hi Kate

Firstly, congratulations on your BFP!!

It's totally understandable to have mixed emotions after a m/c and its really hard to stop yourself from feeling excited and planning for the future, I tried and failed miserably! Just take it one day at a time and remind yourself that every day is a day nearer to reaching 2nd tri.

Would probably be best to wait until after 6 weeks if you can for a reassurance scan as they should be able to detect a heartbeat and even better to wait until 8 weeks, when if you hear the heartbeat, the odds of a successful pregnancy are much greater. We had a private scan at 9 weeks last month, and even though it was bad news, I wouldn't hesitate to have an early scan next time around, as I'd much rather just know what was going on.

Keep us posted if you do decide to have an early scan and good luck with the rest of your pregnancy x

congratulations hun! I totally understand how you're feeling. It's like I'm trying to consider myself half pregnant, that seems to help me deal with it. I can't stop thinking about the good and bad what ifs but I'm trying to take each day as it comes and am celebrating each week that goes by (incredibly slowly!). I'm still checking after going to the loo of course and as I get further on I am starting to get scared about what still might happen so I might see if I can get a scan at about 9 weeks as they said that I lost the baby at 5/6 weeks when I had a missed m/c at 10 weeks in September. Then again, if I can manage to be brave I might just see if I can get to 12 weeks- not sure yet although I'll have to book a private scan as they don't do 12 week scans here.

You're not alone! :hug:

Im feeling the same as you, worring because I dont feel sick enough etc, and its driving me mad, getting really down the last few days ! was crying last night, about something else , and once I started I just could'nt stop

I am havinga scan next week, on the NHS, and I cant imagine how Im going to feel on the day as Im so scared, but I dont know if I could have waited another 4 weeks ! as I would have gone mad.

Even if this scan is ok, I am still going to worry, as I had an early scan with heartbeat the last time and a scan 3 weeks later with no heatbeat. :angel:

I am thinking of you xxxxx

:angel: :hug:

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