how you dress your children says alot about you

i think if i let Jam choose his clothes he would go out wearin bob the builder pjs with his thomas wellies :lol: :lol:
I like little jeans and t-shirts

My mum used to dress me and my 3 years younger borther the same :wall: :wall:

The pictures :puke:
Happybunny said:
I do have a big thing about making sure her socks coordinate with her outfit too - I am almost a bit anal about it acutally, I think I may need help :rotfl:

OMG, me too! It drives me bananas when OH dresses DD and puts her in a beautiful dress or outfit with In the Night Garden socks! Wait til April's wearing shoes too! I have lovely dark pink cruiser shoes from Clarks but they don't go with everything!

As for how I dress DD, I'm a strange one I think. I think I dress her how I would like to dress if I was thin! For years now I've had to buy what fits me and whats cheap/in the sale and i hate most of my clothes. DD wears lots of beautiful dress/skirts and tights in really funky designs - most of her clothes are hand-me-downs and charity shops but mostly originally from Mini Boden, Next, Gap, M&S etc.

Valentine Xxx
We like to dress Brody in usually nice baggy jeans with his dc trainers and one of his skate t-shirts come to think of it thats not far off what i wear :think:

I think that style just suits him what with his shaggy hair and teething beads 8) 8)

I am always getting told off for not matching his socks with his outfit for the day :wall: :wall:
i dont think i fit into any category! i only buy things because they are cheap i dont think about what it is or what it goes with. i have a friend n when she buys her lil girl clothes she picks up a top nd a pair of bottoms that will go etc and i totally dont in pick girly colours in all types of clothes so i can just pick out anything for them and shove it on. reanna is gettin a bit more independant now and lieks to choose her own clothes (esp high school musical and hannak montana) but i still buy the majority of her clothes and if im really honest i just got o primark and get whats cheap.

Dunno what this says about me but I have been known to have to go and change after getting us both dressed when I realise I have picked rather too coordinating outfits for us! :oops:
I really am not trying to make her into a mini me but obviously my mood is expressed in what I pick out to wear and must subconsiously do the same for Eva! I think I may need help least if I put her in babygrows I cant copy lol :rotfl:
Obviously he's not here yet :roll: :lol: but I'm going to dress 'bumpy' in more childish looking and more traditional clothes. I think they called it reliving innocence :lol:

I'm NOT in to knitted stuff :shock: I had plenty of home made clothes when I was young including hiddious flowery dresses and knitted woolen outfts :oops: and it was hard when I got older to convince my mum that I wanted shop stuff :wall:

However I do believe that children SHOULD be children. Cartoonish images or plain clothes is what he'll be dressed in, with some asain clothes as well as western so we can chop and change depending on family/the occasion :)
Me and hubby have some labels as well as normal next and primark stuff but I really don't see the point in forking out tons on baby and kiddie 'brand' clothes which they wont understand the real relivence of and will break our bank accounts in the process :moon:

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