how to write a birth plan?


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
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Hi :wave:

So I'm thinking about writing a birth plan. I realise it's only a rough guide but I want to get my thoughts onto paper as to how I'd like my labour to go, and also my preferences for after the birth. I'm not really sure where to start though however, so I was wondering how other people wrote theirs?

It would maybe be really helpful if I could read some that other people have written, so if you don't mind sharing could you post it here for me? :)

Thanks girls :hug:
Hi honey, there was a thread on Third Tri a while back for birth plans but my pc is doing funny things with this forum this morning otherwise i'd hunt it down for you.. probably a few pages back now and i can't remember what it was called but tis defo there somewhere :) xxx
Hey hun :wave: Heres mine, its 3 pages long!! You don't have to/need to read it all but it might give you an idea as to how to start yours off. Hope it helps :hug:

Birth Plan - Laura Parker
Due Date: 02/10/2008
Scheduled to deliver at George Eliot Hospital, Nuneaton
James Skipton to be present at the birth at all times

To Whom This May Concern,
Presented to you is my birth plan and my preferable options for a safe labour and birth.
The options I have chosen maybe subject to change by myself at the time of labour and delivery.
I would like to be informed of what is happening at all times.
I would like to stress if for any reason I am unable to make any decisions for myself I would like my Fiancee James Skipton to make the decisions for me.

Laura Parker


I would like to be free to walk around during labour unless advised not to by a medical professional
I wish to be able to move around and change position at will throughout labour unless advised not to by a medical professional
I would like to be able to have fluids by mouth throughout the first stage of labour
I would like the environment to be kept as quiet as possible.
I would prefer to keep the number of vaginal/internal examinations to a minimum.
I do not want an IV unless I become dehydrated.

I do not wish to have continuous fetal monitoring unless it is required by the condition of the baby.
I do not want an internal monitor unless the baby has shown some sign of distress.

I do not wish to have the amniotic membrane ruptured artificially unless signs of fetal distress require internal monitoring.
If labour is not progressing, I would like to have the amniotic membrane ruptured before other methods are used to augment labor.
I would prefer to be allowed to try changing position and other natural methods (walking, nipple stimulation) before pitocin is administered.

I realize that many pain medications exist and I'll ask for them if I need them.
Before considering an epidural, and if the situation warrants, I would like to try an injection of narcotic pain relief (Nubain, Demerol, Stadol or similar).

Unless absolutely necessary, I would like to avoid a Cesarean.
If a Cesarean delivery is indicated, I would like to be fully informed and to participate in the decision-making process.
I would like James Skipton present at all times if the baby requires a Cesarean delivery.
I wish to have an epidural for anesthesia
So I can view the birth, I would like the screen lowered just before delivery of the baby.
If the baby is not in distress, the baby should be given to James Skipton immediately after birth.

I would prefer not to have an episiotomy unless absolutely required for the baby's safety.
I would appreciate guidance in when to push and when to stop pushing so the perineum can stretch.
I would like a local anesthetic to repair a tear or an episiotomy.

I would like to be allowed to choose the position in which I give birth, including squatting.
I would appreciate having the room as quiet as possible when the baby is born.
I would like to have the baby placed on my stomach/chest immediately after delivery.

James does not wish to cut the cord.
I would like to have the baby evaluated and bathed in my presence. .
If the baby must be taken from me to receive medical treatment, James is to stay with them at all times
I would prefer to hold the baby rather than have (him/her) placed under heat lamps.
I do not want a routine injection of pitocin after the delivery to aid in expelling the placenta.
I would like to see the placenta after it is delivered.


Unless required for health reasons, I do not wish to be separated from my baby.
I would like to have the baby "room in" and be with me at all times.

I do not plan to breastfeed the baby.

I would like to be able to take photographs after the birth

My support person is James Skipton and I would like him to be present during labour and delivery.
I would prefer that no students, interns, residents or non-essential personnel be present during my labour or the birth.
lauranjamesnbaby said:
Hey hun :wave: Heres mine, its 3 pages long!! You don't have to/need to read it all but it might give you an idea as to how to start yours off. Hope it helps :hug:

Uhhh if you print is small enough that will fit on one page surely?

I never did the whole name, date etc or the To whom it may concern thing. I just wrote my name and 'birth plan' across the top.

Things like delivery are pretty much a given anyways. You choose where you want to be. They can't make you lie on a bed.

Also I don't think they will mind about photos. I know our hossie was fine with them being taken :)
OK, here is the hospital one I did. Never needed it as I had my homebirth :)

*My birth partner is my husband Daniel.
*I am asthmatic but well controlled by inhalers. Daniel knows what I take and when etc.
*I feel positive about labour and would like it to be as natural as possible. I will listen to my body and instincts.
*I wish to keep as mobile as possible for as long as possible.
*I don't wish to have constant monitoring if at all possible. I am happy with checks at regular intervals.
*I do not wish to lie down or recline unless I really have to. I would prefer to be either upright or semi upright and not putting pressure on my coccyx and lower back as I want to work with gravity to deliver baby, not against it.
*As IV drug free as possible please. I am open to an epidural but will ask if I feel I need it. I hope to manage with breathing techniques, massage, birthing ball, TENS, gas and air , shower/bath and water birth if possible.
*I am not keen on drugs to speed up delivery unless there is a real danger to myself or the baby. I wish to labour naturally for as long as it takes. I don't wish to feel I am delivering against the clock.
*If a drip is absolutely necessary then it's to be a very low dose which is not increased without my permission.
*Birthing pool for pain relief and possibly to deliver baby in. If I can I hope to deliver baby into my arms myself, but realise this may be beyond me and MW will need to help.
*As little interference (for want of a better word) from MW as possible. If at home my MW has told me she is very hands off and this works for me. If in hospital I realise it will be because I *have* to be there and that remaining hands off might not be an option but I still want as little medical interference as is possible where possible.
*Being left with baby for as long as we wish after if all is well. I'd rather bond and feed before worrying about cleaning baby up.
*Deliver the placenta naturally in own time if possible. Not worried about cutting the cord too soon. Would like to let is stop pulsing first. Husband to cut cord if he wishes.
*Vitamin K injection for baby - yes please
*I plan to breastfeed, and would like to be encouraged to do so as soon as possible.
*Flexible to changes in my birth plan should it be medically necessary
*My husband is to make decisions for me if I am unable to for whatever reason.

Also the follwing -

*May consider a student if in hospital but would like to be asked first and to meet the student in question before agreeing.
*Dim lighting etc
*Fresh air via open windows if possible if warm in room. I cannot tolerate overly hot or stuffy rooms well.
Sherlock said:
lauranjamesnbaby said:
Hey hun :wave: Heres mine, its 3 pages long!! You don't have to/need to read it all but it might give you an idea as to how to start yours off. Hope it helps :hug:

Uhhh if you print is small enough that will fit on one page surely?

I never did the whole name, date etc or the To whom it may concern thing. I just wrote my name and 'birth plan' across the top.

Things like delivery are pretty much a given anyways. You choose where you want to be. They can't make you lie on a bed.

Also I don't think they will mind about photos. I know our hossie was fine with them being taken :)

Yeah I've made the print smaller now so it fills one and a half pages. But I did miss some out because I didn't want to bore everyone and I think it was a bit extreme! Yours looks much better, its detailed but not too much if that makes sense?!
Wow Laura!!
There was a space in the back of my hospital notes to write my birthplan but itsnt this time! :think:

Mine just basically said what drugs I wanted what I didnt want, that i wanted the injection for placenta delivery, that i wanted the babies to have the Vit K injection and that was basically it! I was easy to go with the flow with my labours! I didnt object to much etc!
The only thing I didnt want with the others was an Epidural! If I needed a drip fine, if I needed constant monitoring fine etc! So my birthplan was very very short lol!
Mine isn't very detailed - Copied & pasted from my word document!


This birth plan is just to provide a general idea of the kind of labour I hope for, it is not set in stone and this plan is in every way flexible depending on the labour/birth;

· My Mum is my birthing partner, and if possible, my Dad may decide to be “hanging around” whilst I am in labour.

· If I am unable to make any decisions myself, I would like my Mum to make decisions on my behalf.

· I would prefer for my baby to be placed straight onto me.

· I would prefer for my Mum to cut the umbilical cord.

· If a C-Section is required, I would like my Mum with me if possible.

· I am open to all pain relief if I need it and would like to be informed if possible if I have passed the stage where a particular pain relief is available.

· I would like to be talked through everything that happens so I know what is going on at all times.

· There are certain people I would prefer not to visit me in the hospital, my Mum has the list.

Finally, I am extremely nervous about the birth! So please bear with me if I ask lots of questions!

I found it pretty easy to write because I don't really have any idea of how I'd like my labour to go if that makes sense. In an ideal world, it'd happen naturally at home, I can have a bath, take paracetamol in the early stages, do whatever I need to do at home, then go to hospital and just take it from there depending on how I feel at the time. I have no preference about where or how I give birth (pool/bed) or anything! I'm pretty useless really lol. xx
dannii87 said:
Mine isn't very detailed - Copied & pasted from my word document!


This birth plan is just to provide a general idea of the kind of labour I hope for, it is not set in stone and this plan is in every way flexible depending on the labour/birth;

· My Mum is my birthing partner, and if possible, my Dad may decide to be “hanging around” whilst I am in labour.

· If I am unable to make any decisions myself, I would like my Mum to make decisions on my behalf.

· I would prefer for my baby to be placed straight onto me.

· I would prefer for my Mum to cut the umbilical cord.

· If a C-Section is required, I would like my Mum with me if possible.

· I am open to all pain relief if I need it and would like to be informed if possible if I have passed the stage where a particular pain relief is available.

· I would like to be talked through everything that happens so I know what is going on at all times.

· There are certain people I would prefer not to visit me in the hospital, my Mum has the list.

Finally, I am extremely nervous about the birth! So please bear with me if I ask lots of questions!

I found it pretty easy to write because I don't really have any idea of how I'd like my labour to go if that makes sense. In an ideal world, it'd happen naturally at home, I can have a bath, take paracetamol in the early stages, do whatever I need to do at home, then go to hospital and just take it from there depending on how I feel at the time. I have no preference about where or how I give birth (pool/bed) or anything! I'm pretty useless really lol. xx
Hun thats basically the same as mine were and will be! You have to be flexible or you may end up disappointed! Your not useless!
Has anyone got the link to the recent thread about writing a birth plan in Tri 3 like Fly said about, as i tried searching for it but couldnt find it :wall: x
I think birth plans are best short and sweet, ie i want, i dont want, i personally feel they are extremly important especially if god forbid the birth should take a different route and your partner has to make decisions whilst you my be unable to...

I have ideas of exactly what I want but need to do a proper doc for it seeing as its coming to about that time... Im also doing a separate one for the hubmiester so he can feel more involved, plus he gives the most amazing back rubs ever!!

I'm not doing a birth plan, I have no strong feelings either way and as I found out the hard way last time, labour and birth have their own way of working out. I will make each decision as it comes on the advice of the medical proffessionals who are taking care of me. There are lots of things that I would prefer not to happen but I trust that if my midwife/doctor tells me it needs to happen then it needs to happen and as all I care about is the successful birth of my baby I don't really care how it happens.

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