how to introduce little one

roxane 1985

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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hi im expecting my 2nd child in october, my eldest doesnt know yet as he isa bit too young to understand so telling her at about 20 wks

although she tells me quite a bit that she loves tiny babi because theyre cute and she is fantastic with them at nursery

whats the best way to introduce them once baby is here as i dont want her to feel pushed out or replaced and want to make things as easy on her as possible
To help tell your lo about the baby before birth there is a great book called mummy laid an egg, fab for toddlers. I'd get your lo to buy a gift to give to the baby when he/she arrives and also buy a gift for your lo that "baby has bought", this works well xx
I was gonna suggest the gift from baby too cosmic :)
my daughter came to all the scans and always spoke to my tummy. she brought a gift for my son and my son brought a gift for her too.
i also made sure that my daughter was the first visitor to see my son too. she gave him cuddles and kisses. i introduced him as, ' your brother' not ' baby' or ' the new baby'.
My daughter was just over three when I got pregnant again. She was used to younger ones a bit from her 2 younger cousins, neither were 1 yet.
At about 10 weeks we told her there was a baby in my tummy and it would get bigger until the baby was ready to come out. She's always been very ahead and understanding development wise. She was v happy and we left it at that but encouraged her to ask things if she wanted. Shed talk to my bump. Touch it when he was kicking. Loved scan photos (our hosp didn't want siblings at scans) until I was about 30 weeks and they wanted another scan due to size and brought her anyway lol.
We asked if she was happy about a baby coming and explained this baby would live with us (as we looked after my niece 1 day a week I wanted to b sure she realised it wasn't just for a day! Lol). Asked if she wanted to help when the baby came. She "helped" my oh put her cot up. Said names and asked what ones she liked. And that the baby would bring her a present when he came out of my tummy.
She knew when the baby was going to come (I was induced early so had about a weeks notice) and phoned her all the time from the hosp. When he was born we told in laws not to tell her he had come. I discharged myself and we went to the house. Told the others to go away but to send her to the hallway so she could meet him alone and he could give her her present. And when we went inside I let them fuss over him so she could have some me time.
Sorry for how long this is!!

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