How soon did you tell?


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2010
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How soon did everyone tell people they were pregnant?

I told my best friend straight away as she wont tell anyone but today Ive told my 2 work colleagues because they knew I was ttc, its super early but OH and I decided what will be will be and we've decided to tell our parents on Mothers Day as a nice surprise.

told work at about 7 weeks so i could stop doing the heavy lifting etc, few close friends as they are pretty much at the same stage as us and I wanted to share the excitement. my mum guessed at 9 weeks but we're holding off with everyone else till after the scan. its so hard havnig some people knowing and others not as i have to think before i speak all the time - lol
Thats the main problem Im having, I keep nearly slipping up and then think damn I cant. One of the caretakers who I get on with asked if I wanted ibuprofen tablets earlier and I nearly said noooo I cant, Im pregnant but had to bite my tongue. Ill only be 6 weeks when we tell parents but its because its Mothers Day which I think is a nice day to tell them.
We've not told anyone yet and it's getting really hard now esp keeping it from close friends and family. Planning to tell close people next weekend when my hubby gets home so we can share the news together, he went away just as we found out so seemed too early to tell anyone then. I'm quite excited to see peoples reactions as we're not the maternal type and nobody knew we were ttc!
Thats great Sarah that youre telling to their faces. I told my best friend by text as we dont live near each other and my parents are 70 miles away so I wont see their reaction either. Im not maternal and never wanted kids till I met OH and my Mum always said it never bothered her but secretly I think they will be excited and go mad buying things! :)
told my parents and my husband's parents pretty much as soon as we found out :) Going to tell close friends next time we see them. But definitely not going to tell anyone at uni or at work! They all are so unromantic (I work in IT). They might just see this as a new subject for stupid jokes grrr!
I'm 9/10 weeks depending which website I use. Scan is on 7th April. We're going to visit my Mum the weekend before over mothers day, so will tell her on Mothers day, 4 days before the scan. We're going to sign the card from the 2 of us and little bump :)

Then the day after the scan we're going to visit husbands parents and will tell them then. They are always so unenthusiastic about everything so preparing ourselves for not a lot of reaction.
i think everyone knows as my sister decided to broadcast it on facebook... nice one!!!!!!
lol @I.Love

Minx I cant believe your sister did that :( I shall announce on facebook after mothers day and await the shocked reactions. :)
I would be absolutely raging if someone announced mine on facebook, especially if only 5 weeks like you are. Hope you made her feel terrible about doing that.
Last time I told people early but had a mc at 8 weeks. This time I was much more cautious and told people at about 11 weeks as I'd had an early scan at 9 weeks and bubba was ok and I was struggling to fit in my work clothes!! So then I told people but I was very concious this time. I think before I was too blaze about it all xx
I guess Im just very excited but Im also aware that Im worrying so Im not being blaze about it but do want to share my news. I dont really know whats best.
Hey hun, i remember having this dilema first time and a very clever lady on here(cant remember who) said that to tell people that you are comfortable with knowing and who would be caring and understanding if something went wrong.

I think its up to the individual hun, dont worry too much hun just do whats best for you :) and OH. xxx
We told parents at 5 wks when we got our bfp, and one couple who are our friends but we knew they would be able to support us worstcase scenario as they had a miscarriage. Everyone else including my sister and my OH's brother etc we waited and told the day after our 12 week scan when we knew everything was ok. It was so hard keeping it secret especially with bad morning sickness but somehow we managed and everyone was really shocked!!! Now its nice to have all the attention it feels real now!!!
We've been very cautious this time round as last time told everybody early and I miscarried at 10 weeks. At the moment parents know and a couple of close friends, was holding off telling work until 12 weeks but I got signed off this week due to spotting so ended up telling my boss who's been very lovely and understanding. If all is well at 12 week scan will tell rest of friends and family but going to wait until 20 week scan before announcing on facebook. It's different for everybody though hon, do whichever you feel comfortable with, I think telling your parent on mothers day is a lovely idea x x

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