How soon after giving birth


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2014
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Hi ladies how soon after giving birth did you all decide to have sex? Xx
After 6 weeks but I had a c section. Plus sex was the last thing on my mind if rather sleep haha!
Our little one is 12 days old and I've started to feel in the mood again. My bleeding has slowed right down and my stitches feel fine so I think we will consider it as soon as the bleeding has stopped completely.
Thanks snowbee. I know my OH is dying for it. And due to my PGP whilst pregnant sex was almost non existent where as now I'm like the horniest person going lol. I had a natural birth and no stitches just a small tear my bleeding has also become pretty non existent I just didn't want to go all guns blazing if it was not ment to happen until longer wait xx
Lol I 9nly gave birth 10hrs ago. But my current answer is erm. Never. Lmao
Haha Ery I felt like that for about a week and a half soon as I started feeling human again and not like iv been hit by a bus I really wanted it lol. Xx
With DS, we carefully waited until the all clear at 7 weeks.

With DD, well, our anniversary was 4 weeks after she was born. We were both ready to pounce. So used condoms until all clear.
11 month on and I still cant be bothered no sex drive at all haha
I was about 4 months but I had a 3rd degree tear. And a baby who didn't like sleeping very long!!
I had to wait 6 but I've got no chill and did it with a condom at 4 weeks. I asked my mom at some point and she said within a couple of days with my sisters dad lol.. I'd just say if you're up for it before 6 weeks do it safely for the risk of infection x


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