How Preggo brain has caught us out...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Further to Danni's fantastic case of preggo brain today she has inspired me to start a preggo brain thread...

How has preggo brain affected you so far? Tell us all your crazy (and Preggobrained) moments...

Ok heres mine so far.

The other day i returned home from work, we have builders in and i made him a cuppa and put the milk away... or so i thought...

I went about doing my bits, cooking the dinner, sorting the washing out etc. OH returned home to have a cuppa and we couldnt find the ANYWHERE, we searched high and low, low and behold OH found the milk next to the fabric softners in the cupboard... :rotfl:
Ermmmm think my worst was walking to work and then getting there and thinking I cant remember getting here?!?

But I'm a ditz on good days I forget stuff so fast my boyfriend knows what I'm like if hes talking and I remember something I wanted to tell him hes used to me cutting mid conversation and blurting it out all of a sudden or it will be gone for forever from my head. And if you ask me to remember something it will usually be forgotten :oops: I used to be really worried that I wouldn't remember my baby's name that was a serious worry for me because its things like that that I would forget!!! Luckily I know her name because I love it but before pregnancy I thought I would never remember it!
LOL I was planning to write "see my thread titled Claire&Jack" but you beat me to it!

I've had a few little ones, another one today was that for the past nearly 25 weeks I've made up my own due date :rotfl: I thought it was 23rd August but it never has been... It's 22nd!! Grrr!! xx
I went to buy lunch yesterday, got back in the car park, felt a hunger pang and realised I'd forgotten to buy lunch... oh my god! :oops:

I've done the whole not fully concentrating/being aware when reverse parallel parking covered in the other thread.

I *keep* forgetting words or just getting them wrong. Sometimes I can list three different words for the same thing before finally getting the right one, but completely different.

Like, door, no, door frame, no, I meant carpet. Ya know, I can think of other nouns for the wrong word... weird!
The other day i went to put dinner in the washing machine to cook it, then OH said what you doing and i said im cooking dinner then he said what in the washing machine!! we laughed about it but i felt so stupid, i swear i get worse with each pregnancy :D
asked my dear husband for beef olives from supermarket but actually meant olives and gave him into trouble when he got back from supermarket. Obviously realised Id asked him for the wrong thing. Poor thing
I was trying to put someone through to a colleague in my office, and twice I got my colleague's extension number wrong!! I was ringing round the whole offce!! Felt such a prat and everyone was laughing. :oops:
I lost my bank card yesterday :oops: I've looked everywhere for it. I don't know what I've done with it, but I've had to order a new one now
I keep forgetting to lock the car and it takes me about three times as long as everyone else to get ready to go out cos i keep forgetting what i am supposed to be doing :rotfl:
I was emptying the dishwasher and put my clean plates in the fridge!

Was laughing so much reading work!

I had to go to the hospital a few months back as I had a some pains and a little bleed. Hubby was with me and had come from work, he's a builder. Anyway, I was examined and fine, gathered up my stuff and dh's work stuff and left. As we got to the car I gave my dh his tape measure and he said 'it's not my tape measure, it's the doctors pager'. I felt really embarrassed going back in and handing the doctor the pager as he was a male doctor and he had performed an internal on me. I felt like he thought I fancied him or something, and took his pager so I would have the opportunity to see him again!

Actually, the whole experiene was embarrassing. I have never had an internal done by a male doc before and he kept saying 'juuuust relaaaax' in a really drawn out voice, which made me squirm!! Anyway, he saw the funny side of me taking the pager!

i did loads of stupid things when i was pregnant.

I think my personal best ones though were -

* Texting my ex husband instead of my OH - I was fuming that he had ignored my text all day. I felt a right idiot when i asked OH why he had ignored my text and he said I hadn't text him :oops: It wasn't until i checked the outbox on my phone I realised what I had done :oops: I am soo glad it wasn't a rude text!

*Going to take the clothes out of the tumble dryer wearing oven gloves :roll: how hot did i think the clothes were going to be!!!
clairedoran said:
Was laughing so much reading work!

I had to go to the hospital a few months back as I had a some pains and a little bleed. Hubby was with me and had come from work, he's a builder. Anyway, I was examined and fine, gathered up my stuff and dh's work stuff and left. As we got to the car I gave my dh his tape measure and he said 'it's not my tape measure, it's the doctors pager'. I felt really embarrassed going back in and handing the doctor the pager as he was a male doctor and he had performed an internal on me. I felt like he thought I fancied him or something, and took his pager so I would have the opportunity to see him again!

Actually, the whole experiene was embarrassing. I have never had an internal done by a male doc before and he kept saying 'juuuust relaaaax' in a really drawn out voice, which made me squirm!! Anyway, he saw the funny side of me taking the pager!


Daffodil said:
I was emptying the dishwasher and put my clean plates in the fridge!


:rotfl: i did this with a mug :D when i was making a cup of tea and went to get the milk out of the fridge i put the mug in instead

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