growing out of his allergy and being sick loads?? *updated*


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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Thanks all for you help :)
i gave him the ravioli with milk in today after keeping all milk out of his diet and hes been fine no sick or screaming nothing just normal thomas.
im so pleased, still going to take it easy with him but it makes things a bit easier on me as he can now eat what we eat :cheer: so i might be able to take him off the jars full-time
thanks again :hug:

hi all,
i accidently gave Thomas something the other day with milk in it (i thought i had brought the one without milk turns out i hadnt) anyways he was fine after it no screaming or rash or anything.
i only notised i gave him the mlk version a week after giving him the food.
yesterday i also gave him rusks with milk in again i picked up the wrong box (pregnancy is frying my brain again)
and again he ate 4 of them and he was fine so i *think* he has outgrown his milk allergy
the problem is for about a week maybe 2 hes constantly being sick not after eating but for an hour afterwards, hes on the floor all the time now crawling about and bellyflopping as he thinks its funny but hes even being sick when hes sat up on my lap. hes on gaviscon already so i dont think its reflux could this be related to the allergy? is he instead of screaming in pain being sick? even when hes not had anything with milk in hes being sick and its lumpy aswell rather then smooth :puke:
i have moved recently and so have changed doctors but we wont be regestered there for another week as they have a backlog of new patiants so i dont have a doctor i can go see as our old one is refusing to see us as we live to far away :(
he doesnt seem to be ill but he is teething hes cut one tooth the other 1 isnt far away atall.
are they sick while teething?
any ideas would be great thanks
gosh 20 people have read this but no one replied :? i did talk to you about it on msn so wasn't going to reply but seeing as no one has replied yet i thought i'd say it on here :D i think it's cas Thomas is eating too much and becasue his tummy is small he might not be able to cope with it so is sick, i think you'll just have to perseveer with it or cut down on his food which i know will be hard cas he LOVES his food (my james was the same lol) but also just to be safe take him to the doctors when you can get a app or ask to see your new health visitor :D i'm hoping he stops being so sick soon :hug: :hug:
awww thanks hun :hug: :hug:
his 2nd tooth cut this morning and no sick so far :pray: hoping it was a bad couple of weeks but it over now
Hi manda
I am sure you can get LO into the docs as he is just a baby. I was told when Calleigh had yet to be registered that i could take her to any doctors and they would see her. If you are really concerned then i would give them a call.
Maybe cut out the milk you have been giving him and see if he stops being sick if he doesnt then you know its not related to the allergy.
Hope he gets better soon :hug:
I too think they have to see a bubby. I'd call and tell them you're worried about your little boy and they should fit you in.

I was told they can grow out of the lactose things anytime between 6 months and a year.

Faith had some cereal that had milk in it the other day (i didn't check it either!) but she was fine.

I think babies are just sick sometimes if they get over excited after eating!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh super!! Im still feeding milk free jars...

Tried him on a bottle of 'normal' formula milk... not 2 mins later I was wearing all 6oz that he'd drank..! :(

Soooo, we'll carry on, BUT will keep hope alive that it might not take to long!!

:cheer: So pleased for you, I know what a pain in the chuff it is... as EVERYTHING has milk in it!!

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