How old and what does your baby weigh?

at 14 weeks last thursday, hannah weighed 12lb 14oz x
7 and a half months she was 16lb 6oz :D finally at a decent weight :cheer:
16 weeks old Alyssa weighed 18lb 1oz
Isla's birth weight was 6lb 14oz and at 12 weeks old she now weighs 12lb 14z :)
Ralph now weighs 14lb at 6 weeks. Birth weight was 9lb 1.5oz
Jax was last weighed on Friday 29th June, he was 35+4wks and weighed 9.46kgs or 20.9lbs (75th centile)
Grace will be 9 months old tommorow and weighs 17lb 10oz
Aimee was 8lb 1oz at birth and at 12 weeks is now 14lb 3oz!
Abi was 10lb 10oz yesterday at 6 weeks 4 days xx
alfie was 7lb 6.5oz born and at 9w 4d he weighed 13lb exacltly :) xx
Emilia is 20weeks today and was weighed yesterday and was exactly 15lbs x
Jack is 13 months on Friday and weighs just under 20lbs. My skinny little man! :) x
22 lb at 28 weeks... oh dear!
Lula is 6w 3d and today she weighs 10lb 8oz :love: She was 9lb 12oz 2 weeks ago so am well pleased with her, she loves the booby juice that girl lol
Max was born 8lbs 12oz

At 14 weeks old he was 17lbs- so now at 16weeks im guessing between 17-18lbs :)
Logan was 7lb8 at birth and now weighs 10lb6 at 5 weeks! He put on a whole pound in one week last week!! :) xxx

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