how often does your baby move???


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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mine hardly moves at all, checked with the doppler and heartbeat was ok:) maybe just a quiet bubs
it dont really move in the morning but from about 5 it dont stop lol
doesn t sound alot reallt does it:) everyone talks about theirs moving all day
some people say if u have an ice cold drink its meant to make the baby move

is it true?
Well my LO moves kinda in a regular period now...2-3am ish then about 9-10am ish and odd spirts during the day and then again bout 4pm ish after dinner and he's just started jumping now :)

Yeah i heard if you have a cold drink or even a tasty meal the baby starts to move about!

im sure your LO is ok and moving about but maybe you just cant feel sometimes they kick inside in places we cant feel if that makes any sense lol
Yes my friend Drinks a pint of cold water and the baby starts kicking and moving about like mad !! Give it ago :dance:
Mine moves mostly from 1am onwards. Feel it a little sometimes during the day, not much tho until bedtime. Im sure everything alright hun. Maybe it will be a quiet baby when its born (fingers crossed for you)
MomNat said:
I haven't felt my baby move yet

Give it time hun. Do you not feel little bubbles sort of thing in the lower part of ur tummy? Or some people say it feels like butterflys.

It did this time round for about a day for me then it started kicking normaly. I think its because its my seconds maybe
[/quote]its my seconds maybe[/quote]

He He not sure why but this just made me giggle...weird sense of humour i have probably another sympton of pregnancy lol

Yeah don't worry Hun shant be too long till you feel thumps and those lil kicks on your bladder lol
Didnt feel much up until 22-23 weeks but from then on he's taken up kick boxing I think. Having said that I had a really quiet day on saturday and was starting to worry.
Princess_Puddles said:
He He not sure why but this just made me giggle...weird sense of humour i have probably another sympton of pregnancy lol

Yeah don't worry Hun shant be too long till you feel thumps and those lil kicks on your bladder lol

I meant.... think its because its my second.... maybe.
Meaning maybe its because its my second. (thats wot I should have said, ah well)

Should have worded it better :oops:
Yeah got what you meant hun just had a lil worries everyone words things wrong sometimes!
ill blame it on the day ive had... i put clothes in the bin without thinking... i was meant to put them in the washing machine :oops:
all night the babies been kicking my bladder!!! ive been in the loo more than the living room! :lol:
i was woke up at 5 this morning when bubba started kicking me, at the hospital soon though so i guess it is a good alarm clock:) thanks for posting everyone:_)

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