how often do your babies spend the night away from you?


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2005
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Me baby stops at his Nana's (my mums) once a fortnight from 4pm til 1pm because she works a lot and can hardly see him.

But i feel so guilty because it seems too often. I really miss him but i do like being able to catch up on housework :oops:

Anyways i wanna know how often your little ones stop out and if you think i'm awful for letting Reece stop out so often?
i think its good to have time to yourself.

charlie and ethan go to there nans every friday night.

i drop them off at school in the morning and then dont see them till saturday lunch time coz there nan picks them up from school.

it was lovely having time to myself.

Coby's nan lives 150 miles away so there no way i can get time for myself anymore.
Thanks i really feel better now :D

Sorry you don't get a break anymore :cry: it must be tiring for you. xx
its ok at teh mo, at least i get a semi break when charlie and ethan go, and yesterday there nan asked if she could take coby for a walk, so maybe, fingers crossed, she might have him over with them when he gets older.

even tho hes not her grandchild (diffrent dad) she still coo's over him when shes here.
layla said:
even tho hes not her grandchild (diffrent dad) she still coo's over him when shes here.

it'd be hard not too he's gorgeous!!! :D With him being her grandchildrens brother she'll probably feel close to him.
hearts81 said:
Me baby stops at his Nana's (my mums) once a fortnight from 4pm til 1pm because she works a lot and can hardly see him.

But i feel so guilty because it seems too often. I really miss him but i do like being able to catch up on housework :oops:

Anyways i wanna know how often your little ones stop out and if you think i'm awful for letting Reece stop out so often?

I think that sounds great! He's 7 months old so that's a good age to spend night over at places. Mason is 4 and has only stopped at my moms a handful of times cos shes 2 mins from my house so she sees him almost everyday!
It'd be great if she'd have him more often though, I don't think she'd be ready for Brody yet but maybe when he's older :)
Never!!! Sounds daft but I don't feel ready to take that step yet. I'm still funny about people having her in the day for an hour or so!!! :shock:
I'm definitely an odd-ball. Neither DH or myself have ever felt comfortable in leaving our kids with anyone - not even our mums. (Guess our mums are a bitty old anyway - mid 70's) so not so good.

Besides, I'm just far to sceptical......
Emilia xx
Hi my mum has my little boy and frankie usually once a week unless otherwise! And it gives us that break so me an the oh can go out and do something or just spend quality time together just the two of us.So i dont think its a bad thing at all for them to stay away over night well in my opinion anyway.
My parents normally have Matthew for a few hours at least once a week, especially if I need sleep and he has stayed over with them twice
its never for me too, mil has looked after her for a couple of hours once a week so me and oh can go out bit its difficult as am bfing
our families live quite away from us, but our plan is that in a few weeks
OH and i will take Charlotte to my mums and then we'll go out where she lives, then we'll stay at mums too. we get time together and she gets time with grandchild. bargin!! we'll do that every few weeks. must have QT with my man, id go mad if we didnt
We live with my mum at the moment and she's the only one I trust to look after my little boy. She has him for a few hours at times but we always come back cos we live in the same house lol
God i wish my mum would have the kids, not so much Jack at the moment cos he's only small but she only has Amy if i want to go out and even then it's not over night- she comes to my house and goes home when we come in.

She says that i have made my bed, and the fact i have 2 kids means i have my responsibility to stay in with them!!
Cos she didn't have anyone to have us when we were little she thinks that it's wrong you want time to yourself!!

So my answer is never!!

Never .. yet we figure at 3months we might try but i might change my mind cuz i might not be ready lol, i htink i will be overly paranoid, i think once im totally done breast feeding when she is 6 months tehn it will be easier.

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