How often do your parent/in laws see LO

My mum has seen Kai 5 times since he was born (some were around 3 weeks or so). Dad has seen Kai for a total of 1 hour. Both live 8,000 miles aways

Both my husbands parents are dead, his mother saw Kai before she died but really couldn't do much with him, saw him for around 10 dayts. One of her dieing wishes was to see Kai before she died.
Mum - everyday without fail

Inlaws - only if we take them there :roll:
My in-laws live up north so about twice a year. I see my mum every week normally and my dad every week/ fortnight.
My mum 3 times a week. MIL about once a week but she works every day for 12 hours so I try to make the effort to take Connie to see her for a cuddle for at least half an hour once a week as she is working a lot. I like to get out everyday anyway.
Brayd sees my mum and dad every day :D
and sees Chris mum and dad (altho not blood grandparents as good as) once every 2 weeks
My Parents see Harrison once a day normally or sometimes just twice a week
OH's Parents see Harrison once a month and twice if lucky (They live 2hrs away)
My parents see DD once or twice a week, we usually go to them but sometimes they come to us or my mum will pick her up from nursery for a couple of hours. My parents live about 4 miles away.

OH's dad - every few months because of his strange work shifts we've never seen him much more than this anyway. He lives about 10 miles away.

OH's mum - once every couple of weeks, sometimes more. It's nearly always us going to her. Since she retired over the summer she's picked DD up twice from nursery and I think she'd like to do it more (although she hasn't stated this) but it isn't something that's likely to happen as I'm finishing for maternity soon. OH's mum lives about 4 miles away.
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My in-laws live in the UK so twice a year (they are visiting us this week, funnily enough) which is a pity because, sods law, I get on with them reeeeeeeally well, so would love to have more contact. My parents every couple of weeks, they live about twenty miles away, but we always go to them, they are getting on (both in their seventies)

my FIL comes ebery day to see christopher on his way home from work he passes our house anyway as they only live up the road and i must say christopher waits for him every day and he loves seeing grandad...MIL works till late in the week but comes every tuesday/wednesday and sometime sunday..

with my mum well she lives 100miles away and never seems fussed about coming here to see him :?
Connie sees MIL and FIL every day.

She never sees my family as my mum's dead and my dad is a waste of space.
My mum has seen molly twice and ethan maybe 10 times. My dad has seen ethan about 4 times and has never seen molly (my folks are still together too and live 12 miles away!!!)

MIL hasnt met ethan or molly but she does live in Bali!

My eldest DD hasnt seen her grandfather since she was about 7 (she's 15)
my mum pops round about 2-3 times aweek, but my dad hardly ever. he probably sees the girls about once a month.

the inlaws dont see them often at all as they are in glasgow. we stay up there for a week about four times a year.
MIL sees the kids about every couple of weeks ( we all work full time and she's a care worker so is on shifts) FIL has seen paris about 6 times and harrison once :shock:

My dad hasn't seen paris for a year and he's not met harrison
We see my Dad around once a week(ish). We don't see my Mum, she passed away in 1997 :cry:

As for Matt's family... his Mum has seen Luke twice in 6 months, as has one of his brothers. His sister has seen him once as has his Dad. His family live down South and his Dad lives In Canada. However, all but his Dad expect us to travel 180 miles down the M25 and M3 to visit THEM. Not happening. Why should we? We made the effort for years to see them, now it's their turn I'm afraid.

It really p****s us off actually because they don't even call to see how he is and we agreed to meet them half way somewhere and they've not eve bothered with that.

Families. :evil:
My Mum & step Dad see her daily because we live with them. My Dad sees her once a week for a whole day but it isn't enough for him. I have to drive 45 mins to his house every week on my own with Evie because he refuses to come this way (he hates my Mum & step Dad - selfish twat).

Anyway!! I won't moan... Well, in this thread anyway, might start my own one up lol :lol: xx
My mum sees Dan a lot but only because she lives in the next village.
OH's mum sees him as often as she can. She works silly shift hours and lives 2 hours away, so a 4 hour round trip if theres no traffic on the M25. Which there always is, its the road to hell after all! But she comes up every 8 weeks-ish to see him/us.
My Dad lives about an hour away and sees him about once every 3/4 weeks. Although we do go there, he normally comes to us. Good old Dad and stepmum 'nanny'! :hug:
And OH's Dad lives in Bahrain (his wife 'nana' lives in worthing) so we see them whenever possible! He lived in Seattle before that, Hong kong before that, Japan before get the picture! :wink:
we see my folks most days really, during the week when OH's at work then we see them usually each day.
not so much at weekend.

but we see OH's folks every weekend, sometimes twice :roll:
My MIL comes down once a week and probably would live here if I let her. :roll: She was quite pushy about seeing him/nagging us to come up there even when I was just fresh out of the hospital, and it's put me off having her around. :? Hoping to wean her to once every fortnight, especially when there's nothing for her to do but sit around and watch me breastfeed. When he's older and can appreciate having a grandmother, once a week will be just fine.

FIL enjoys the baby and is wonderfully relaxed about it all, never nags us to come up there.

My dad lives 5,000 miles away but is going to be visiting over Christmas. Probably will see him twice a year or so. My mother passed away 7 years ago, sadly will never know her grandchild.
Up until we moved back to the UK Thea had seen her grandparents only a handful of times when i flew home with her. She saw my dad a bit more because he came to Budapest a few times.
Since we've been back we have driven home 3 times so she can see them and my mam has been here once.
My parents see Willow normally twice a week and they make the effort to visit us and we visit them, OH parents see Willow about once a week and that is only be cause we make the effort to take her there. :roll:

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