How much was/ is your little one feeding at 3 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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I am bottle feeding and blake will be 3 weeks old friday and he is having 150ml - 4oz each feed and is finishing it and not bringing much up if any.

I was just wondering if i need to do bigger bottles for him.

What did yours take at this age?

Cheers em xxxx
If he drainas each bottle hun then I would try him on 5oz! He may only drink a tiny bit extra from that extra ounce but that might be just what he needs! Lola was probably on 5oz by 3 weeks!
Between 2 and 5 oz, still is. Shes quite fussy though.
I make the bottle up for 5 oz, "just in case" shes very hungry at that feed.
Id go up to 5 oz hun, and see how he goes.
I'd also go upto 5oz, what he doesnt want he will throw back up anyway!! Everything in my house is covered in puke! :shakehead:

Claire x
cheers peeps am going to try 5oz now then, what if he still downs that and not bringing much up? when do you stop upping it lol.
i have just checked his bottle out he is on 5oz already as 150ml is 5oz.

what should i do now lol?
Up it too 6 hun! :D
He may only want a tiny bit more but obviously you have to make it by the ounce!
If I up Lolas bottle and she doesnt want more she just messes about! Then I know that she is ok on what she had to start with!
and i thought Ollie was a hungry baby! lol.. As Lea said, just up it and see how it goes. You may find he starts taking more then less again (Ollie has)
DD had expressed breast milk but by 6 weeks (or possibly 4, I can't really remember) she was having over a litre a day.

Week one they drink a little but that more or less doubled each week for us until it levelled off at 1050ml. I agree with everyone else that you should offer more.
nori said:
and i thought Ollie was a hungry baby! lol.. As Lea said, just up it and see how it goes. You may find he starts taking more then less again (Ollie has)
Yep totally agree! Lola drank 8oz the other day!! :shock: (she had her 6 then was still crying for more so made her more and she drank another 2 ounces!) Yet she wont drink that all the time! She was just extra hungry one morning!
well i have just spent over an hour washing and putting away all the little 5oz bottle and geting out the big 9oz bottles and washed and sterelized them ready, i though the little bottles would get more use than 3 weeks lol. Arrrr well.

Am now ready for him to have more but i bet he doesnt want it now lol
Ive never bothered with them little bottles! lol
And Sod's law says he wont want more now heehee you just know it! ;)

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