How much sleep are you getting?

I did what my sister did to get her son sleeping thru...

Give them as much food as they'll tkae in the evening and give them a bath then when there asleep put them down in a dark room...

jobs a goodun'


also reccommend that johnsons lavender and cammomile bedtime bath
Reading all your posts certainly has made me feel better as Otis is still waking about 2/3 times a night. He goes to bed at 7pm and then he can wake any time between 9:30pm & 11pm for a feed (I did start doing a DF at 11pm but it doesn't work if he wakes up before then :roll: , so I stopped DFing him and just wait for him to wake up instead).
Then he wakes around 3:30 / 4am when he has a quick feed and back to bed, last night I managed to get back to bed within 15mins!!!! He then wakes again around 6:30 / 7:15am when I take him into our bed for a feed and a sleep till around 9am.
I was hoping that by weening him he may sleep better....FAT CHANCE!
At least I have some solace in knowing I'm not alone :? .
So I guess if I hit the hay around 11:30 and get up at 9am, I'll probably get around 8hrs of broken sleep - ha certainly doesn't feel like 8hrs sleep more like 3hrs!!!!!

Thats a shame.

You probably don't want to hear this but Ellie went 12hrs last night. Woohoo!!!! it is the first time since she turned 5months (ie since she started at nursery) that she has gone down for 12hrs. In fact we had a really bad night a few weeks back when she needed 3 feeds in a night and she hasn't done that before ever.
It does get better... I remember the first time Arianna slept right through me and hubby woke up in the morning and had a huge panic... running to check she was ok.

Arianna probably started sleeping through at about 9 or 10 wks. We used to put her down at 11pm and then each week move it half an hour earlier... she now goes down between 7-7.30pm and sleeps through til 8.30-9am!
hope is so good, she goes to bed between 8-10pm and sleeos through til between 7-8 am, has her 8oz bottle and back to bed tl bout 11-12 its a nice chance to have sleep, im so lazy :rotfl:
Mine did the same. Your son is still very young and needs to be fed on demand which IS exhausting. I hope you have help for the rest and try to sleep when your son does. It does get better as time passes. In a month or so you should get a bit more sleep. Sorry this is not really helpful but I went through this and it did improve. The only thing I can tell you is that when you are tired you may feel a bit irritable so don't feel guilty if you have to resolve to giving a bit of formula so someone else can feed your son and you can get some rest. Right now he is just trying to adjust to the outside world and his stomach is very tiny. Also this is the time your milk supply is getting established for months to come...

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